雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 他們透過小組學習「身體動作」介入技巧,學懂如何釋放負面情緒,增強自我調節情緒能力,即使面對疫情及變幻莫測的社會環境,也懂得調節心境應對不如意的事情,走出情緒困擾。 另外,亦有長者提到對退休生活有了新想法,他們會主動與朋輩在生活上作出不同的嘗試,為人生下半場建立新角色,展開生命新篇章。

  2. 2023年3月18日 · 我想搵工?我想抖下氣?殘疾人士就業和照顧者支援的營商新機遇

  3. Professor Vivian W. Q. Lou has been at the University of Hong Kong for more than 20 years and has been the Director of the Sau Po Centre on Ageing since 2015. She is also the professor and the program director of Master of Social Sciences in Gerontology at the Department of Social Work & Social Administration.

  4. With an endowment from Mr. Kwok Sau-po, the Centre was renamed the Sau Po Centre on Ageing in 2002. Through research, education and knowledge exchange activities, the Centre is enhancing the quality-of-life of older people in China, overseas Chinese societies and in the Asian Pacific region.

  5. www.ageing.hku.hk › team › professor-iris-chiProfessor Iris Chi - SPCOA

    The three most important things in old age are good health, enough money, and meaningful social relationships. We are too used to dividing our lives into stages, thinking that ageing policies are for those aged 65 or above, and that ageing is something you think about only when you get old.

  6. Professor Joe Leung Cho Bun. Professor, Department of Social Work and Social. Administration, HKU. Despite popular criticisms that Hong Kong lacks a social insurance-based pension system for the aged and old age poverty is critical, the government has offered a multi-level social protection system for the elderly.

  7. 照顧者在照顧過程中所承受的身心壓力、心理、生理,以及情緒感受等變化,這一直是專業人士提供照顧者支持的重要環節。. 照顧者需要在日常生活中對被照顧者的身體功能、日常生活、情緒轉變,以及其他事項做出適當的決定和照顧。. 這些多方位的照顧需求 ...

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