雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 「摯安心精選」醫療保險計劃專為現有藍十字團體醫療計劃成員而設,讓他們可以公司醫保為基礎,額外為自己的健康加多一重保障,並以較相宜的保費,槓桿式地全面加強醫療保障。 此計劃無需核保,更保證承保現已受保的傷病(即「 已存在的狀況」),即使將來在離職或轉職後,也可繼續為您和家人提供醫療保障,並保證終身續保。

  2. www.bluecross.com.hk › ch › all-in-one-outpatient-insurance龐大的醫生網絡 - Blue Cross

    專科醫生診症服務. 若經過網絡醫生轉介,您可獲得專科醫生診症服務。 每次就診時所需的自付費用及每年求診次數的上限,則按您所選的計劃而定. 門診手術. 此計劃除提供基本門診醫療保障外,亦提供門診手術保障,經網絡醫生建議,便可在指定網絡診所內進行指定的手術療程. 免費預防性身體檢查. 凡參與計劃 B 及計劃 C 的受保人,每年可到指定的醫療中心免費接受預防性身體檢查一次。 檢查項目包括基本體格檢查,及於以下8項中選取其中3項,包括全血球數量、總膽固醇、三酸甘油脂、空腹血糖、谷草轉氨酶、谷丙轉氨酶、尿酸及尿液常規檢驗. X光診斷及化驗. 為全面切合您的醫療需要,若經過網絡醫生轉介,計劃 B 及計劃 C 更包括X光診斷及化驗。 選擇計劃 C 的客戶更無需自付費用.

  3. 首頁 > 即時投保 > 醫療保險 > 一站式門診醫療寶. 一站式門診醫療寶. 計劃摘要. 計劃特點. 保障詳情. 注意事項. 1. 報價. 2. 申請. 3. 確認及投保. 最新優惠. 「至醒會」會員投保,淨保費 HK$1 = 1「至醒積分」 累積1,000分 = HK$50 獎賞或 200. 成為「至醒會」會員. 受保人. 自己(投保人) 配偶. 子女數目. 自己(投保人) 出生日期(日/月/年) 配偶. 出生日期(日/月/年) 第1位子女受保人. 出生日期(日/月/年) 第2位子女受保人. 出生日期(日/月/年) 第3位子女受保人. 出生日期(日/月/年) 第4位子女受保人. 出生日期(日/月/年) 使用優惠碼. 查詢保費. 「一站式門診醫療寶」可供下載的文件.

  4. Blue Cross provides one-stop online insurance service with a comprehensive range of products including medical, travel and general insurance, which cater to the needs of both individual and corporate customers for protection in their everyday life. Blue Cross strives to be customers’ most preferred personal insurance partner by planning ...

  5. With nearly 50 years of operational experience in the insurance industry, Blue Cross provides a comprehensive range of products and services including medical, travel and general insurance, which cater to the needs of both individual and corporate customers. Blue Cross’ success in insurance products and services is reaffirmed by numerous ...

  6. Caring Medical Protection Plus is designed exclusively for our group medical insured members as a 'top-up' cover to their company's medical plan. With a modest premium, you can enhance your medical cover by "leveraging" your group cover. No underwriting is required upon enrolment. The Plan offers guaranteed acceptance of all pre-existing ...

  7. With an ample amount of protection, together with a diverse range of benefit coverages, Tycoon Medical Insurance Plan enables you to customise an all-round medical and health protection plan that best suits your specific needs, Plan detail includes plan coverage and major exclusions.

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