雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1 EUR =

    8.507 HKD

  2. 全新AEON信用卡客戶經「AEON 香港」手機App申請AEON CARD WAKUWAKU並輸入迎新碼「MSWAKU」,成功申請及批核信用卡後,可享 HK$200 現金回贈 (由AEON送出) 及16%現金回贈 + HK$400現金回贈迎新優惠!. 網上簽賬可享全年 6%現金回贈,於日本消費更享有3%現金回贈,更豁免任何 ...

  3. 歐洲旅遊保險比較:英國、法國、意大利等旅遊保險. 不少港人都喜歡衝出亞洲去歐遊感受異國風情,但是近年歐洲不少國家都出現動盪,時有發生恐怖襲擊、戰亂或針對亞洲人的暴力襲擊等,即使是較大路的旅遊國家如英國、法國都聽聞有不少扒手偷竊甚至打劫 ...

  4. Compare Overseas Spending Credit Cards in Hong Kong to enjoy extra air miles and cashback while spending abroad or online at the overseas website, and avoid foreign transaction fee for overseas spending! Read More.

  5. Skiing Travel Insurance. If the insured plans to participate in high-risk activities such as skiing, you should spend some time reading the terms and conditions in detail to make sure that the activities you will be joining are covered.

  6. 必讀期貨入門:期貨玩法、優點缺點、買賣佣金一覽. 對投資期貨有興趣?. 本文助你一次過了解更多!. 期貨合約是衍生工具的一種,屬高風險的槓桿式投資工具,有機會助你於短時間內增大回報,但同時亦可能會招致重大損失。. 想投資期貨的你,不防花數 ...

  7. Best Credit Cards for Expats and Foreigners in Hong Kong. With selected credit cards, you can enjoy rewards for local and overseas spending. We have put together a list of selected credit cards. Choose the ones that match your spending pattern the most.

  8. Even if you are not a permanent resident in Hong Kong, you can still open a bank account in Hong Kong. If you are an EU, US or Australian passport holder, the entire process should not be complicated. It can take up to 2 weeks to complete the entire account opening process.

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