雅虎香港 搜尋

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  3. 上個月有 超過 1 萬 名用戶曾瀏覽 hermes.com

    The Hermès Beauty ritual. Hermès Beauty Collection

  4. 上個月有 超過 1 萬 名用戶曾瀏覽 tw.strikingly.com

    我們的拖曳式設計可以讓你用網站實現創業想法。免費域名和SSL,100多種字體。 如何批發解決方案為您量身訂製。免費架設網站和商店。

  5. $188盡享四項皇牌試療組合,有水療按摩或水療面部護理,歡迎立即登入體驗。 七間主題分店及環球水療,按摩面部及身體護理,$188即親身體驗四項品味療程。


  1. The Best of Specialty Coffee Education Centre in HK | Coffee Equipments | Coffee Classes | Latte Art | Barista Skill | Coffee Roasting | Coffee Tasting | Roasted Coffee Bean |.

  2. 產品功能描述: 1 : 多檔位研磨度調節,保持咖啡豆的風味,均匀研磨。 2:從手冲到意式咖啡的研磨度皆可。 3:意大利設計錐型刀盤。 4:低速研磨方式。 5:定時功能(只限ZD-10T型號) More Colours coming on this Summer~~

    • 2
    • (DxWxH)200x105x260mm
    • $800 - $850
    • 150W
  3. Learn the essential barista skills to get you started on your barista career. The course focuses on the key skills required to set your grinder, make espresso, and foam and texture milk for cappuccinos. The course also touches on some basic information on the daily care of your equipment.

  4. The first step in becoming a professional Barista. This workshop includes, - understanding the concept of 'Barista' - the techniques of espresso preparation. - the basic techniques of latte art. - understanding your equipment. and all the factors required in performing the full role of a 'Barista'.

  5. SCA Certificate - Barista Skills (Professional) This module is for highly experienced baristas who have completed Intermediate level. Ideal for Head Baristas looking to provide in house training or to start competing at a professional level.

  6. Barista HK在2015年正式成為Pullman Tamper的獨家零售經銷商,所有Pullman產品均可在Barista HK新店選購,預訂,及參觀! 還有,萬眾期待的系列,美國隊長Pullman Tamper也很快同大家見面!

  7. 2015年6月22日 · <有得分,就有FUN> 所謂工欲善其事, 必先利其器!想飲靚咖啡但買機一次過找數真係好肉痛,但Barista HK一定幫到你,讓顧客購物得更輕鬆無憂。 Barista HK 現正式成為首間提供信用卡免息分期付款服務的咖啡用品公司。 顧客只需惠顧產品滿指定金額,即可享有HSBC 信用卡免息分期優惠(其後會盡量增添 ...