雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 烘焙課程 相關

  2. 獲獎無數; 專業證書, 進入廚師飲食管理專業。 我們畢業生的專業訓練,知識和經驗,經常受到大多數僱主的歡迎。

  3. 專業烘焙課程課程務求與時並進,以及提升學員對廚務管理的專業知識和技巧。CEF西廚及烘焙課程. 訓練年輕人進入廚藝飲食世界,成為專業廚師。加強學員實際操作能力及專業知識,立即了解更多。

  4. 廚藝烹飪學校:甜品班、蛋糕麵包班、粵菜班、點心班、CEF課程、ERB課程

  5. 銷售各種冷凍設備,凍肉超市設備,工程及紅酒櫃設計。產品免費保養,另設租用計劃。 銷售各種冷凍設備及其他商用設備。顧客包括蛋糕店、超級市場、學校、老人院、醫院等。信心保證


  1. 2018年8月2日 · 最受歡迎的課程非Grand Diplôme文憑課程莫屬畢業證書受全球廚藝餐飲界認可學有所成後不論自行創業或者從事相關工作亦有幫助所謂一分錢一分貨作為世界級的廚藝學校學費自然並不便宜不過藍帶提供多種類型的課程包括短期課程法式廚藝課程糕點課程等可配合自己興趣及目標作出選擇完成自己的夢想例如3個月的甜品課程索價8,000歐羅 (約HK$74,380);3個月的西餐課程則索價11,000歐羅 (約HK$102,280)。 專業品酒師資格 全期課程只需4萬起. 佳餚配美酒,相得益彰,如何讓美食與美酒形成絕妙的「Marriage」,在味覺上帶來驚喜,是一門高深的學問。

  2. 2020年9月21日 · Coursera上有各種課程上至電子科技和商科下至語言和哲學當中最吸引的地方是Coursera也有不少免費課程內容便是由各大知名大學提供如Imperial College London和史丹福大學。 課程設有開課日期,並附有閱讀文章和課堂筆記,就如回到以前修讀大專課程時一樣。 大家報讀課程後需在指定日期前在電話或電腦觀看課堂影片提交功課完成課程後便可獲得證書。 此平台更提供碩士課程,假如大家想獲得外國大學碩士學位,但又不能前往當地就讀,不妨考慮到Coursera報讀課程。 Udemy:技能課程 內容多元. Udemy提供各種實用技能的課程,例如Photoshop、編程、Copywriting和攝影等等,比較職業導向和實用。

  3. 2024年2月8日 · Wilson Li 2024年2月8日. 持續進修基金 (CEF) 為在職人士提供資助讓有志者持續接受教育和培訓實現自我增值。. 為數最高HK$25,000的資助金額有人會用來報讀短期課程有人會用來報讀興趣班。. 以下提供一些熱門的持續進修基金認可課程想在工餘時間裝備 ...

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. 2024年4月1日 · 1. 自備飯盒. 上班族外出用膳一日都要花上$50至$80,如果工作地區在商業區就更加貴,這樣一個月下來起碼都要花費過千元在膳食上了。 不妨每天自備飯盒,不但價格便宜,還吃得更健康。 對於一直外出午膳的上班族來說,自備飯盒相信比較困難。 不妨嘗試逐少改變,由每周五天外出用膳,慢慢減少到三天,兩天等,慢慢一步一步做起。 2. 在家煮食與自備飯盒有異曲同工之妙。 疫情期間,不少人都已學得一門好手藝;與其天天買外賣、下班後與朋友出去大快朵頤,不如趁機重新掌廚,既可減少進食不健康的味精或高油高鹽,材料費用也比較划算,絕對是有益無害的節流方法。 朋友之間約會都可以由出外用膳改為一起在家煮飯仔,增進感情。 3. 避免情緒化購物. 「個個都買嘢,唔通個個真係想買嘢咩?

    • Table of Contents: 15 Best Cake Shops in Hong Kong
    • Dang Wen li by Dominique Ansel
    • Giovanni Pina
    • The Bakerism
    • Butter
    • Vive Cake Boutique
    • Cova
    • The Cakery
    • Sbakery by Mama Soo
    • 65.Cakes

    Dang Wen Li Bakery is an expert at capturing the essence of traditional Hong Kong culture and infusing it into their exclusive cake collection, available only in Hong Kong. “Food is about memories—a recollection of a moment, a time, an icon. And that’s why it is so important in making pastries that it relates to the people there,” said the founder ...

    Giovanni Pina, with over 100 years of pastry-making history, has brought his traditional Italian delights to Asia. Take a journey into the world of Italian pastries and indulge in their sweet treats, crafted by the third-generation chef of the family. You can order online 24 hours in advance and pick up your delicious birthday cake or any other swe...

    The Bakerism is a heavenly abode for those who seek the perfect balance of natural ingredients and indulgent sweet flavors. Dedicated to the art of crafting the best cream cakes, they use only the freshest seasonal fruits and the finest Nakazawa Hokkaido fresh cream that effortlessly glides on your palate. At this cream cake factor, you can savor t...

    If you love American-style cakes that are as big as they are hearty, Butter is the online bakery for you! Sink your sweet tooth into their triple chocolate, red velvet, carrot cakes, and more. They also offer pies like banana cream, blueberry crumble, key lime, and apple. You can order their cake online by just lifting your fingertips, or you can a...

    If you’re looking for a sweet escape with an Instagram-worthy backdrop, head over to Vive’s boutique pop-up store at Landmark Prince’s. Indulge in the signature Uni-cone, a cake with an upside-down ice cream cone that sits on top of it, available in eight flavors. And if you have a dream cake in mind, designer Vivien Lau can make it a reality with ...

    Cova, a symbol of Italian excellence in the art of food and pastry, has been catering to sugar cravings with homemade treats for over 200 years. You can expect nothing but the highest level of artisanal craftsmanship and delicacy from Cova’s cakes. As the saying goes, “Classics never go out of style.” Cova’s signature Blueberry Cheesecake looks sim...

    Satisfy your sweet cravings guilt-free with The Cakery’s extensive cake selection! From organic, vegan, low-sugar, gluten-free, egg-free, dairy-free, and keto-friendly cakes to signature cakes with flavors like chocolate indulgence and black sesame, there’s something for everyone. Indulge in their delectable treats without worrying about dietary re...

    Sbakery by Mama Soo is the ultimate no-frills cheesecake haven! Their baked New York cheesecakes are irresistibly indulgent and are available in slices that come in a variety of flavors like blueberry, tiramisu, and smores. You can pre-order these delights online and pick them up from their Sheung Wan location or their pop-up store in Pacific Place...

    65.cakes is the go-to cake shop in Hong Kong for trendy Korean-style cakes. Their cakes are customizable, with different sizes, colors, flavors, and fillings to choose from. Their Instagram feed is full of fun and colorful cakes adorned with cute cartoons and characters or designed to look like those retro layer cakes topped with maraschino cherrie...

    • Anson Chiu
  6. 2022年7月29日 · Playgroup課程學甚麼? 家長需要在場嗎? Playgroup 課程非常多元化,常見的有英文 Playgroup、音樂 Playgroup、普通話 Playgroup、唱遊班、跳舞、敲擊樂、做手工、講故事班、2歲興趣班 (學前預備班、N班) 等等。 不同 Playgroup 課程針對的幼兒發展項目都不同,以下是其中一些例子。 一般 Playgroup 課程長度約45分鐘至120分鐘,每星期1節至5節課,每堂課聚焦一種內容,例如今課學串字、下一課學發音。 師生比例常見是 1:6 至 1:10。 家長可因應幼兒的性格為他 / 她報讀不同的 Playgroup 課程。 上課期間,家長可以與幼兒一同參與。

  7. 2024年1月17日 · MoneySmart 獨家尊享: 成功申請及提取AEON 「貸靈活」/「清數易」私人貸款,可享高達HK$12,000現金回贈#! 【⚽️你睇波,我萬歲! 】免費送HK$500 Deliveroo電子禮品卡🎉. 即日起至5月31日,經MoneySmart申請AEON 「貸靈活」/「清數易」私人貸款,不論批核與否,均可額外享HK$500 Deliveroo電子禮品卡,讓你喺足球狂熱中充滿能量,盡情享受每一刻🍔🔥! 優惠受條款及細則約束。 優惠期至 2024年5月31日. 立即申請. 更多資訊. 長者生活津貼資產上限. 長者生活津貼及高齡津貼最大分別,是長者生活津貼需要資產審查。

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