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  1. 2020年7月16日 · 博多千年门. 地址:福冈县福冈市博多博多駅前1-29-9. 交通:市营地下铁「祇园站」4号出口徒步5分钟. 时间:随时开放. 官网: https://yokanavi.com/zh-tw/spot/64988/ 文化发祥地「承天寺」 紧接在博多千年门后的是,名为「承天寺」的日式庭园。 每当秋天来临之际,便可以看到大片火红的枫叶,非常适合穿著浴衣在此拍照留念。 而说到承天寺,更不得不提它的历史,据说日本传统美食乌冬面、荞麦面以及博多传统纺织物的就是发迹于此,虽说平时不随便开放入内参观,但还是可偷偷从栅门外,一窥承天寺内部的神秘面纱。 承天寺. 地址:福冈县福冈市博多博多站前1-29-9. 交通:地下铁「祇园站」4号出口徒步5分钟. 时间:09:00 ~ 17:00.

  2. 地址│福岡縣糟屋郡志免町志免495-3. 網站│ http://www.crossroadfukuoka.jp/tw/event/?mode=detail&id=400000007354 (繁體中文) 交通│搭乘西鐵巴士在「東公園台2丁目」站下車. 開放│因管制無法入內參觀,但周邊規劃成公園,可在一定距離外欣賞、拍照. 四季花海中的浪漫│能古島海島公園. 從福岡市區的渡船口出發,只需要約15分鐘就能抵達能古島,再轉乘一小段巴士就能抵達海島公園。 海島公園內一年四季百花綻放,春天有油菜花、櫻花,夏秋則是向日葵及大波斯菊,冬天還能欣賞水仙花,是個四季皆宜的戶外踏青景點唷!

  3. 2020年9月7日 · Over one hundred and twenty years old, Nanzoin Temple is about 25 minutes by train from Fukuoka City's primary travel hub, Hakata Station. The grounds offer an array of sites to see, including the forests and mountains that surround the complex, as well as dozens of small and large-sized statues representing Buddhist deities!

  4. 2018年2月19日 · Famous for great food such as the Hakata ramen, Hakata is connected by subway to the Fukuoka Airport, servicing many domestic and international flights. This convenient and fantastic city serves as one of the gateways to Japan and is definitely a place worth spending a few days.

  5. 2019年8月1日 · Hakata ramen (often referred to as tonkotsu elsewhere in Japan) originated in the old city of Hakata before proliferating to all four corners of the country, and well beyond. The dish consists of a thick soup that's made primarily by slow boiling pork bones and other ingredients over a period of several hours.

  6. 2016年8月25日 · The undisputed champion of Fukuoka sweets, the Hakata Torimon is not only popular with travelers, it also boasts very impressive accolades. This creamy and buttery treat, showcasing Meigetsudo's signature style of "East Meets West" confectionery, has received an amazing 15 "Monde Selection" awards!

  7. 2018年6月18日 · One of Fukuoka’s signature food is definitely the Hakata Torimon. Staying true to Fukuoka being a blend of historical Japanese culture and modern Western influence, it is a pastry that combines the best of both worlds. The rich butter and milk are put together with traditional sweet beans, leaving you craving for more.

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