雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. Loan 相關

  2. 申請免入息及住址證明,A.I. 24x7處理申請,即批即過戶。提取貸款享高達$12,000現金獎,立即申請. WeLend 網上貸款,全A.I. 處理,即時提取大額現金流。貸款低息至1.88%,現金即日過數。

  3. 需要資金追夢、旅行、裝修等,恒生助你周轉,每月定額還款,還款期長達60個月。優惠及服務附帶條款. 實際年利率低至2.23%、成功申請可享合共高達HKD6,800現金回贈!優惠及服務附帶條款

  4. 中銀「易達錢」私人貸款輕鬆到手,實際年利率更低至1.85%,立即申請! 經手機申請中銀「易達錢」私人貸款,享現金回贈高達HK$6,800,實際年利率低至1.85%。


  1. 經濟援助. 以上各項計劃詳情,請參閱 「經濟援助詳情」 。. 入讀職業訓練局 (VTC)全日制資助或自資課程的學生,可申請學生資助計劃,包括專上課程資助計劃、學費減免及定額津貼等。. 歡迎了解更多的經濟援助計劃。.

  2. (Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students) 在 TSFS 申請結果通知書內將同時載有 NLSFT 可獲得的貸款額,學生可選擇是否接受有關貸 款,亦可選擇遞交獨立申請

  3. Student can also apply for NLSPS separately. The loan shall be repaid in 15 years by 180 equal monthly instalments upon graduation or termination of studies or lapse of 6 years from the first disbursement of the NLSPS loan. Interest is charged once the loan is drawn down until the loan is fully repaid.

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  5. Admission Member Institutions S6 Full time Degree Applied Science-Oriented Degree Programmes Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) Higher Diploma Diploma of Foundation Studies Diploma of Vocational Education Diploma

  6. Students who study these programmes could not apply for "Vplus Subsidy Scheme" and "Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme" by Student Finance Office at the same time. Admission Procedure Progression Ladder

  7. Non-means-tested Loan Scheme Continuing Education Fund (CEF) VTC Fee Remission Scheme IVE Student Emergency Fund Scholarships Student Travel Subsidy Scheme MTR Student Travel Scheme

  8. The maximum loan amount is the total tuition fee payable in the academicyear. The loan shall be repaid in 15 years by 180 equal monthly instalments upon graduation or completion of the relevant programme or lapse of 6 years from the first disbursement

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