雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Find information relating to our services, terms and conditions and other updates. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with 24/7 online banking services for investments, insurance, credit cards, loans, mortgages and savings.

  2. 香港滙豐. 卓越理財尊尚. 存款利率. 新資金定期存款優惠:網上優惠. 1. 立即開立定期存款. 新資金定期存款優惠:分行及電話理財優惠. 預約會面. 滙豐卓越理財尊尚客戶以指定貨幣新資金,開立特定存款期的定期存款,可尊享較儲蓄存款更高的特惠利率。 立即了解最新的新資金定期存款優惠。

  3. 5個簡單步驟登記使用網上及流動理財. 使用滙豐個人網上理財,每天24小時快捷、方便、輕鬆管理您的戶口。

  4. 滙圖多元貨幣保險計劃(「滙圖」、「本計劃」或「本保單」)屬終身人壽保險計劃,並提供獨特靈活方案,助您邁向長線儲蓄目標。 本計劃提供一系列保單貨幣及保單管理選項,為您帶來充分財政彈性,部署完善財富計劃,力求實現各種不同願望。 掌握不同選項 靈活自主策劃財富. 提供9種保單貨幣選擇 靈活行使貨幣轉換選項1. 本計劃提供多種貨幣選擇,助您緊握長線財富增長機遇。 您可選擇以美元、人民幣、港幣、英鎊、加拿大元、澳元、歐羅、新加坡元或澳門幣*為保單貨幣單位,務求助您實現不同人生目標及 理想。 由第3個保單周年日起,或於保費繳付期完結並已繳清所有保費(以較遲者為準),您可隨時將 保單貨幣轉換成另一種可供選擇的貨幣,每個保單年度更可轉換最多3次,以配合不同人生階段的需要及機遇。

  5. HSBC Life is Hong Kong's no. 1 provider of new annuity business 1, trusted by customers. Grow your wealth with selected savings plans. HSBC Swift Save Insurance Plan. Guaranteed returns of up to 4.07% p.a. in HKD with our savings insurance in just 3 years – available online only. HSBC Wealth Goal Insurance Plan II.

  6. www.hsbc.com.hk › help › contactContact us - HSBC HK

    Chat with us to get help immediately. HSBC HK Mobile Banking app. No more waiting on the phone for answers! Go to the support tab and tap 'Chat with us' 1 to get help instantly. For our HSBC Premier Elite and Premier customers, you can connect with our wealth management team via the Support tab through 'Contact HSBC Premier Elite' or 'Contact ...

  7. HSBC Reward+ is an all-in-one platform dedicated to HSBC credit cards in Hong Kong. It brings thoughtfully-designed tools at your fingertips: Use your RewardCash (RC) Pay your credit card bills with RC. Settle your card statement or any of your purchases by RC with just a click. Details > Convert RC into miles or other travel privileges.

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