雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年6月12日 · The $5,000 consumption voucher under Phase II will be disbursed during the summer vacation and it is hoped that this can further boost consumption in this traditional golden period. We will announce this week the disbursement details of the Phase II of the Consumption Voucher Scheme.

  2. The issue of electronic consumption vouchers of $5,000 to each eligible Hong Kong permanent resident and new arrival aged 18 or above, which involves financial commitment of about $36 billion, is expected to boost the economy by 0.7 percentage point.

  3. 2021年4月11日 · 電子消費券計劃是向每名合資格的十八歲或以上香港永久性居民及新來港人士發放總額5000元的電子消費券計劃規模360億元估計可為今年的經濟增長帶來0.7個百分點的提振作用在帶動消費氣氛加快經濟復蘇動力的同時也有助推動小商戶更積極使用電子支付讓他們未來能更好把握電子支付發展帶來的商機為使電子消費券計劃能發揮最大的經濟效益除了須盡快處理好本地疫情外我希望無論是協助推行計劃的儲值支付工具營運商抑或零售飲食及其他服務業界都積極籌辦大型的推廣活動甚至跨界別的優惠讓電子消費券發揮更大的乘數效應提振本地的經濟和就業市場。 2021年4月11日.

  4. 2022年7月17日 · Registration for the 2022 (Phase II) Consumption Voucher Scheme (CVS) is now underway. Existing registrants who wish to change their stored value facilities (SVFs) accounts for receiving consumption vouchers, as well as eligible persons who have not registered previously may submit applications by 23 July. According to the eligibility criteria promulgated on 13 June, residents who have ...

  5. 2022年4月10日 · A more inclusive development. I announced in my Budget in end February to launch a new round of Consumption Voucher Scheme, and the $5000 voucher under Phase I of the Scheme has been disbursed since last week. The consumption sentiment of the market has been boosted.

  6. 電子消費券也成為近日網上的熱門搜尋大家一方面聚焦如何登記如何使用也有不少朋友已在計劃如何消費例如子女夾份買禮物送給父母朋友們相約聚餐也有人在密切注視如何能槓桿儲值支付工具營運商及其他商戶提供的優惠無論如何消費可以預期這計劃將為本地零售餐飲和服務業市道注入力量更重要的是推動儲值支付工具的普及應用全力加速本港電子支付平台的搭建和數碼經濟的發展。 齊齊消費,一起以電子支付的方式消費,透過全城參與,透過七百多萬市民的力量,增強對電子支付的需求,並帶動經濟的復蘇。 齊齊參與,讓中小商戶有誘因更廣泛接受電子支付,搭上這趟「增長快車」。 這樣透過「政府搭建、民商合力」,全速深化電子支付系統在港的應用與發展。

  7. 2022年4月3日 · The disbursement of $5,000 electronic consumption vouchers under Phase I in April is one of those measures. By using the registration record of the successful registrants last year, nearly 6.2 million citizens will receive the new round of consumption vouchers automatically and do not need to register again.