雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HSBC for Teens. Digital banking reimagined for teens under 18. HSBC HK. Accounts. Savings Accounts. Children Savings Account. The bank account for independent teens. Looking to open your first bank account? It is never too early to start – take your first steps towards financial independence by banking with us.

  2. 為18歲以下青少年而設的數碼銀行體驗,理財,從未如此輕鬆! 香港滙豐. 賬戶. 儲蓄戶口. 兒童儲蓄戶口. 踏出自主理財第一步. 你的理財第一步,當然要由你話事! 你可開立屬於自己的戶口,成為理財高手,自主理財冇難度。 18歲以下即可申請,無手續費或最低結餘要求。 如要開戶,你可知會父母或監護人,請他們利用下面的按鈕預約與我們會面。 請注意,你的父母或監護人必須陪同你到分行開戶。 立即預約開戶. 一眼睇晒開戶須知. 有咗屬於你嘅滙豐戶口,理財從此你話事! 快速查閱戶口結存. 撳幾下即可查閱你存入或提取的金額。 此外,你亦可啟用推播通知 [@accounts-childrens-savings-notification],即時接收戶口狀況等最新消息. 手機提款.

  3. HSBC HK. Ways to bank. Digital Academy. Everyday banking made better with HSBC Digital Academy. Upgrade your banking experience with HSBC. Meet our Digital Ambassadors and learn to bank at ease using the HSBC HK App. Why join our Digital Academy. Enhance your digital banking prowess.

  4. 從表格中心下載各種信用卡所需表格及文件,包括產品冊子、迎新小冊子、使用手冊、保單條款文件及其他更多。 ... 滙豐信用卡條款(由2024年1月1日生效:在聯絡滙豐部分將滙豐尚玉的名稱更新為滙豐卓越理財尊尚)[PDF] 滙豐信用卡條款(由2024年1月1日生效:在聯絡滙豐部分將滙豐尚玉的名稱更新 ...

  5. You can set up HSBC Premier Junior Pack and Premier for Next Generation accounts for your children, and create an investment account when you apply in branch. Important Risk Warning Currency exchange involves risk.

  6. 如果您的子女未满11岁 [@accounts-under-age-18] ,您可以以您的名义为子女开立汇丰儿童储蓄账户, 藉开户为他们开启理财教育之门. 每个月与子女一同检视账户结单 ,藉以向他们解释基本理财概念如定期,提款、存款及利息等, 协助他们管理财富. 24/7掌握子女账户 ...

  7. The HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund - SuperTrust Plus is a mandatory provident fund scheme. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices or investing in the MPF Default Investment Strategy (the ‘DIS’). You should note that the DIS Constituent Funds, namely, the Core ...