雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 除了四大之外,日本列島上還分佈著星羅棋布的小島,這些島嶼稱為「離島」,像是鄰近台灣的琉球群島中,最知名的沖繩群島就是其最大島嶼,同樣也是最受台灣人喜愛的旅遊勝地。除此之外,日本著名的離島還有臨近九州南部的奄美大、位於本州以西日本海上的佐渡、隸屬岡山縣的真鍋 ...

  2. 2019年8月1日 · The city of Fukuoka (福岡市) is the capital of Fukuoka Prefecture on the northern coast of Kyushu—the most westerly of Japan's four major islands. The city is the most populous in Kyushu, and sixth most populous in Japan, with some 2.5 million people occupying the greater metropolitan area. It serves as one of the islands major centers of ...

  3. 2019年7月17日 · Top 10 Things to Do in Hiroshima. Ashley Owen Updated July 17, 2019. Castles Museum Historical Site Hiroshima Peace Memorial Gardens Mountains Itinerary Temples & Shrines First Time in Japan Second Time in Japan Hiroshima Chugoku. www.flickr.com.

  4. 2017年12月15日 · 10 Best UNESCO World Heritage Sites In Japan. Trip101 Updated December 15, 2017. Castles World Heritage Himeji Castle Miyajima Yakushima Mount Fuji Shoryudo Himeji Hiroshima Okinawa Gifu Hokkaido Nagasaki Chubu Chugoku Kyushu Tokai Region. guide.travel.co.jp.

  5. 沖繩縣位於日本領土的最南端,有著古老獨特的文化。美麗的沙灘、湛藍的海水在陽光下閃耀著如藍寶般的光芒,成為海外觀光客心中的度假勝地。帶著在沖繩度過的美好回憶返鄉的同時,這裡我們要推薦給初來乍到沖繩的大家,三款充滿沖繩特色的代表紀念品,讓你隨時隨地都能重溫沖繩悠閒愜意 ...

  6. 這次讓我們用自駕遊走遍連接宮古島對外的池間島來間島伊良部島的三座大橋同時體驗步行跨越大海的樂趣。 湛藍的天空、一覽無遺的廣大海洋,加上絕美沙灘,只為美景漫無目的的漂流不正是旅途中最高的享受嗎?

  7. 2017年12月11日 · Even if you don't know your samurai from your shinkansen, you likely know about Mount Fuji, the stunning symbol of Japan. At 3,776 meters (12,389 ft), this active volcano is the tallest mountain in the nation and has been immortalized in artwork and poetry since antiquity. Throughout the prefectures around Tokyo, you can easily find Mount-Fuji ...