雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. CITIC Securities Brokerage (HK) Limited (CITIC Securities Brokerage (HK) or the Firm or CSB) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CLSA. 5大窩輪 5大牛熊證 近五日最高成交窩輪/牛熊證 近五日被強制回收的牛熊證 新發行為今日上市之窩輪/牛熊證

  2. CITIC Securities Brokerage (HK) Limited (CITIC Securities Brokerage (HK) or the Firm or CSB) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CLSA. Amendment of the Standard Settlement Cycle for U.S. Securities Market Notification of Reduction of Stamp Duty on Stock Transactions Fraudulent Websites or Platforms Unrelated to CITIC Securities Brokerage (HK) Limited Notification of Change in USD Prime Rate ...

  3. 系統將不接納任何於持續交易時段由9:30至16:00輸入的競價限價盤。. 以上此等交易盤類只適用於由中信証券經紀 (香港)有限公司所提供的網上交易平台。. CITIC Securities Brokerage (HK) Limited (CITIC Securities Brokerage (HK) or the Firm or CSB) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CLSA.

  4. Going into leverage can increase the size of investors’ gain or loss. Trading futures can be risky as a broker can make a margin call. This means Investors must put in more cash or securities to cover the shortfall of investors’ margin deposit in case the price of the underlying asset moves against investors’ view.

  5. 2022年3月4日 · 開啟個人裝置上的自動上鎖功能並設定解鎖密碼. 設定及定期更新個人防火牆、個人裝置上的安全程式、防間諜軟件與防毒軟件. 在使用無線網路功能時,只選用已加密的網路、啟用網絡安全措施,並刪除任何不適用的無線網路設定. 鍵入網址(URL)進入我們的網站。 您可以通過我們的主頁(www.citics.com.hk)連接到網上交易平台. 於個人裝置上只安裝可信任的程式,並注意保安和私隱的問題. 妥善保管載有保安編碼程式的個人裝置. 如遺失該部載有保安編碼程式的個人裝置,請立刻通知我們終止此服務. 我們不建議客戶: 切勿與他人分享任何個人資料,包括登入名稱或密碼等. 不要未經核實就回應任何請求。 我們通常不會發電郵向客戶索取個人資料或密碼. 切勿於個人裝置上儲存任何登入資料,亦應避免用紙張記錄您的登入密碼

  6. Introduction of Global Futures Business. CITIC Securities Futures (HK) Limited holds a license from Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission to conduct local and international futures trading business in Hong Kong. We are also a participant of the Hong Kong Futures Exchange and its clearing house.

  7. www.citics.com.hk › upload › fileswww.citics.com.hk
