雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 大名鼎鼎的富豪雪糕Mobile Softee. 不過,如果你在香港街頭溜達,你也許會留意到一種特別設計的小車,白色為主的車身,藍色的車頂和紅色的車頭,從車上傳出音樂盒般的清脆的音樂。. 小車的車身寫著“Mister Softee”,現在已更名為“Mobile Softee”。. 這些設計 ...

    • Piu Sik Parade – Floating Color
    • Bun Scrambling Competition
    • Traditional Ritual – Returning The Deity Statue
    • Cantonese Opera, Lion Dance Performance and Others
    • Try A Lucky Bun on Cheung Chau Island
    • Only Vegetarian Food to Respect to The Tradition

    – 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, 12th of May, 2019 The Piu Sik (Floating Colours) Parade is a dramatic re-enactment of the ceremonial parade held to drive away from the plague a century ago. The Carnival-like procession will proceed through Cheung Chau’s small and narrow lanes. Over 20 decorated floats as well as lion dancers, musicians and acrobats will join ...

    – 11:30 pm – midnight 12:30 am, 12th of May, 2019 The Cheung Chau Da Jiu reaches to the climax on the Bun Snatching Competition. Every year, the selected contestants will climb up on the 9,000 buns covered, 14-meter-tall bun tower and grab as many lucky buns as they can during the 3-minute race. Usually, the contestants rush to the top of the bun t...

    At the end of Piu Siu Parade, each team will send the gods back to the shed in a rushing manner. The faster arrival is considered to have better luck in the coming year. Along with a rush of gongs and drums coming from far to near, each of the parade teams led by Chinese Unicorn (Kirin) quickly runs into the shed one by one. Kirin will first bow to...

    Aside from the Piu Sik Parade and Bun Snatching Competition, visitors also have chances to enjoy the Cantonese opera performances, Lion and Unicorn Dances, Kung-Fu performances as well as traditional ritual.

    Make sure to try one of the Cheung Chau lucky buns. The “lucky buns” are made of flour, sugar, and water and usually come in the three flavors: sesame, lotus or red bean paste. Traditionally, the buns are stamped with the red Chinese characters “平安”, meaning peace and safety. The islanders and visitors love to get one of these buns for good luck. R...

    One of the most important parts of Cheung Chau Bun Festival is all the islanders will consume only vegetarian food for three days in order to purify the body and spirit, and also to commemorate those died in the plague. During the celebration of Bun Festival, most of the restaurants (over 80%) on Cheung Chau island have agreed to serve only vegetar...

  2. 赤柱市集(Stanley Market)位於香港島的赤柱,是最受遊客歡迎的 香港市集 之一。. 毗鄰美麗清澈的淺水灣,這裡也是香港本地人週末度假休閒的最佳場所。. 每天很多旅行團都到訪這裡,所以遊人絡繹不絕。. 由於這裡有很多西式的酒吧,又很受外國人歡迎,所以 ...

  3. 廟街因為街上的天廟而得名。 每當夜幕降臨,廟街夜市便異常熱鬧,你可以在這裡買到許多平價小商品,也可以在這裡讓占卜師傅算上一卦。 再不然就試試沿途的特色小吃,看看街上的粵劇演出。

  4. 一到週末,許多香港本地人都會前來花墟逛一逛,或購買或欣賞。 花墟的鮮花. 如何前往花墟: 乘搭港鐵地鐵前往太子站,B1出口出站沿著太子道西直至花園道。 下面不妨先跟隨我們看一看花墟名不虛傳的鮮花吧! 花墟道. 花墟的鮮花. 更多香港市集. 金魚街. 雀鳥花園. 花墟市集. 赤柱市集. 廟街夜市. 電子數碼產品街. 玉器市場. 女人街. 波鞋街. 其他最受歡迎購物選擇. 金魚街. 花墟市集. 赤柱市集. 廟街夜市. 電子數碼產品街. 玉器市場. 女人街. 波鞋街. 旺角電腦中心. 高登電腦中心. 灣仔電腦中心. 花墟的地圖和具體地點: [mappress width=”100%” adaptive=”true” mapid=”84″] 同朋友分享:

  5. 你首先要準備好爬上430級台階和一段陡峭的上山小路。 沿路你會經過幾十個金色的真人大小的佛像,直至你抵達萬佛殿。 名為萬佛寺,其實這裡有大約12800多尊大小佛像。 此外,這裡還有香港唯一的一座月溪法師肉身漆像,現在萬佛殿供奉。 前往萬佛寺的沿途的金色羅漢像和430個台階的小路. 前往萬佛寺的沿途的羅漢像. 沙田周圍山峰連綿,有時你會在山上碰到很多野猴坐在路邊或者在樹上玩耍,有膽大的會伸出手來向遊客所要食物。 當你最終登上山頂,你會頓時感到一片寧靜。 在這裡你可以俯瞰整個沙田和新界。 萬佛寺山頂上的金色十八羅漢. 萬佛寺山頂上的佛像. 還可以爬上9層樓的寶塔(稱為萬佛塔),拍幾張視野無阻的相片。

  6. 昂坪市集. 从昂坪缆车上下来,你就直接能看到许多纪念品商店以及毗邻的 昂坪市集 。 在这个小小的市集,你可以在 [昂坪茶馆]中国式的庭院建筑中品尝香茶,又或者在星巴克休息一下喝杯咖啡。 昂坪市集中的景点还有 [玉佛同行](启迪心灵的多媒体节目,让游客了解佛祖成佛的故事), [灵猴影院](老少皆宜的影像节目,关于灵猴和菩提树的故事)。 记得把握好在昂坪市集停留的时间,因为前面的天坛大佛和宝莲禅寺才是重点。 天坛大佛和宝莲禅寺. 天坛大佛 是世界最大的室外大佛。 不过要准备好爬上268级的台阶到达天坛大佛。 虽然有一点辛苦,不过我们强烈建议你爬上去,站在上面可以视野无阻的一览大屿山美景。 与天坛大佛遥遥相望的是宝莲禅寺。 每每香港本地人来天坛大佛,都会在宝莲禅寺的斋菜馆吃一顿。