雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 持續進修基金認可課程 相關

  2. 西式烘焙及糕餅製作證書,課程已加入持續進修基金發名單內。CEF-Course. 入行學廚前先修讀課程,更多機遇,專業西廚及烘焙課程,創造機會。提供以實務為主的獨特學習體驗

  3. 提供 飲食業CEF 課程,專業廚藝烹飪學校,課程非常實用,是您學廚首選。 此課程了解中式食肆的運作與關係,再配合食材的加工準備及烹調工作,


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  3. Portfolio Finance allows you to meet your general liquidity needs and enhance your investing power by providing you with additional capital to seize investment opportunities as they happen. Borrow against a broad range of collaterals 3. Get additional capital of up to 90% of your initial investment holdings with us.

  4. www1.citibank.com.hk › chinese › wealth-managementPortfolio

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