雅虎香港 搜尋


    • HK$144,000-191,300

      • 級別 (Level) 幼稚園 (Pre-school): 小學 (Primary): 中學 (Secondary): 學費 (School Fee) HK$144,000-191,300 學生年齡 (Age of students) 5-18 性質 (Status) 提供的學額 (Places offered) 創辦年份 (Year of establishment) 2008 學校的聯絡資料 (Contact Information) 地址 (Address):香港愉景灣海澄湖畔路38號 電話 (Tel): 39691000 傳真 (Fax):29878115 電郵 (Email): office dc.edu.hk 網址 (Website): http://www.discovery.edu.hk
  1. 智新書院是一所私營獨立學校,並無分招生地區,來自港、九及新界的學生均可報讀。 (學校參與「私立獨立學校計劃」) 智新書院外觀照片

  2. 智新書院是一所私營獨立學校,並無分招生地區,來自港、九及新界的學生均可報讀。 (學校參與「私立獨立學校計劃」) 智新書院外觀照片

  3. 2021年6月29日 · 英基學校協會(ESF)轄下共有22間學校,包括5間幼稚園、9間小學、5間中學及3間私營獨立學校(包括1間特殊學校),推行幼稚園至高中「一條龍」入學政策,學生只可按照其香港地址報讀區內的英基小學或中學(不包括啓新書院智新書院)。

  4. 我覺得如果你係琳住 走 International 這條路, 最好係 ESF , 論學費, quality , 升中選擇 , ESF 係最好 ( 如果學費唔係問題 , German Swiss 這些仲好 )

    • Application Fee
    • Deposit
    • School Fees
    • Non-Refundable Building Levy
    • Advance Fees Payment
    • Scholarships
    • Enquiries

    The application fee is HK$2,800. This is a non-refundable, non-transferable administration fee based upon the user-pay-principle whereby the fee level is determined on a cost-recovery basis. Due to the high number of applications, the collection of this fee does not constitute any assurance that an interview or a school place will be offered.

    Upon offer of a place there is a 2 month deposit, which is HK$28,800 for Primary, HK$37,960 for Secondary (Years 7-11) and HK$38,260 for Secondary (Year 12&13). The first half of the deposit is offset against the first month’s fees while the remaining half will be credited against the fees for the last month of enrolment, subject to a two-calendar ...

    The school fees for 2023-24 academic year are: HK$144,000 per annum for Primary students (Years 1-6). HK$189,800 per annum for Secondary students (Years 7-11). HK$191,300 per annum for Secondary students (Years 12 & 13). Direct debit is mandatory for paying school fees for all students attending Discovery College. Statement of account and receipts ...

    Discovery College charges a Non-refundable Building Levy (NBL), which is HK$7,530 per student per year. The NBL is paid over 10 equal instalments of HK$753 alongside the monthly school fees (September to June each year). The NBL for 2023-24 academic year will be $8,060 per student per year. The NBL is paid over 10 equal instalments of $806 alongsid...

    School places for the next academic year have to be reserved through making an advance payment of September’s fees as a surety. This enables us to anticipate enrolment numbers accurately for the next academic year so as to offer any unfilled places to the children on our waiting lists as early as possible. Advance fees are usually due in July. Deta...

    As stipulated in the Service Agreement between the ESL and EDB, 10% of the annual school fee income for Discovery College is set aside for the purpose of scholarships. Of this 10% a total of 2% is reserved for support of the Financial Assistance Scheme.

    If you have any queries about fees, deposits or levies, please contact the ESF billing hotline at: Tel: (+852) 3762 2422 or Email: billing@esfcentre.edu.hk Please quote your child’s student account number, which is shown on all receipts.

  5. 英基智新書院每月收取不可退還的建校費(NBL),每名學生每年港幣$8,060。 NBL分10期等額支付港幣$806,以及每年9月至6月的學費。 不可退還建校費將用於支付學校設施的維修,維護和改善費用,以造福所有現有學生和新生。

  6. 智新書院 * 基本資料 (2022-23) ︿ 校 更 方 新 專 資 用 料 ﹀. 智新書院 * (Discovery College)是位處於離島區的一所國際學校。. 學校為學生提供小學 (Primary)、中學 (Secondary) 的課程。. 學校簡述 (School Description): This is a Private Independent School offering non-local curriculum to primary ...