雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年10月14日 · Starring Takeda Tetsuya (武田鉄矢), loved by TV audiences but not by the women who populate his world, this hit follows his quest to find a wife. Our unlikely hero fails almost one hundred times before finally meeting a beautiful cellist played by Asano Atsuko (浅野温子). However, still mourning the loss of her fiancé, she too comes ...

  2. 長野縣大鹿村. 日本最美村落聯盟由北海道美瑛村、北海道赤井川村、山形縣大臧村,岐阜縣白川村、德島縣上盛村、熊本縣南小國町,以及長野縣大鹿村於2005年組織成立。. 在長野縣,已有7個村落加入這個聯盟,為目前日本數量第一高縣市。. 人口僅有1,100人 ...

  3. 根據奉納神像或佛像不同,傳言每個護身符能在不同方面帶來幸運和保護。下面介紹是日本人最常戴在身上 或用作禮品六種幸運護身符。御守是日本寺廟和神社裏最常售賣小的護身符。根據奉納神像或佛像不同,傳言每個護身符能在不同 ...

  4. 北海道廣袤大地物產豐盛,這裡種植農作物汲取了豐厚養分,而選材於當地和菓子也就有一番其它地區無法比擬風味。如今和菓子人氣老店一如既往再為大家呈現美味點心,也加了不少取自100%北海道原料,結合包裝設計因應潮流特色食感伴手禮,接下來就為大家介紹5家你一定聽過 ...

  5. 其實,一種語言都有其獨特地方,比如,日文中有許多擬音詞、擬態詞,對初學日語外國人來說太過抽象,很難掌握。. 要知道,單是表達疼痛詞,在日語裡就有好多好多呢。. 牙痛和背痛說法完全不一樣。. 除此以外,肚子痛、頭痛等各種疼痛都有 ...

  6. 2018年5月17日 · A post shared by rika (@rikamay) on Jun 3, 2018 at 3:50pm PDT. One key aspect to the beauty of satoyama is the verdure of the crops. Japanese farms typically grow green plants like cabbage, potatoes, eggplants and—of course—rice, as opposed to browner crops like wheat (though there are also wheat farms in Japan).

  7. 2017年11月1日 · A short walk from Kanazawa Castle is the Nagamachi Samurai District (Nagamachi Buke Yashiki), a well-preserved area where the samurai of Kanazawa once lived. It's a wonderful place to soak up the atmosphere of feudal Japan and the samurai age with narrow, winding streets lined with traditional mud-tiled walls and old samurai houses.