雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. An important and strong tradition within the Asian culture is passing on legacy and wealth to younger generation. Assets may cover a variety of categories, some of which cannot be easily divided among your heirs. When faced with a business and assets that cannot be divided, estate may not be fairly distributed to the successors.

  2. Wealth Coach. Reach out to our Wealth Coaches who are standing by to assist you with your investment journey. Get HKD100 coupon upon completing Future Planner with HSBC Wealth Coach.

  3. HSBC Life (International) Limited is incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability, and is one of the HSBC Group's insurance underwriting subsidiaries. Find out about ways to preserve your legacy here, so you can provide long term financial security for yourself and your heirs.

  4. 關於我們. 專業投資顧問為您提供環球投資方案。. 滙豐金融服務(亞洲)有限公司及其附屬公司(下稱"滙豐金融") 是亞太區內具有領導地位的經紀交易商,為客戶提供股票、債券、外匯、貴金屬、商品期貨和衍生產品的全面投資服務。. 滙豐金融是滙豐集團 ...

  5. 我們在2021年初發布的 《滙豐退休策劃指標》 推算出,單身人士如果追求「簡約」和「豐盛」的生活模式,每月生活開支分別約港幣11,000元及港幣39,000元。 換言之,假設您打算在65歲退休時選擇「簡約」的生活模式,以香港現時男性平均壽命82歲計算,退休時所需的金額約港幣200萬元 1 。 女性由於壽命平均有88歲,需要的金額就更高了,退休金達港幣260萬元 1 。 如果您想日子過得再「豐盛」一些,要準備的儲備就更多了,男性大概要港幣700萬元 1 ,女性則是港幣915萬元 1 。 您可以用這個數字來估算自己需要多少退休基金,但這只是您規劃的起步點。 調整估算金額. 只用平均壽命來估計退休所需有一個問題,那就是:您很可能會低估自己退休生活的開支。

  6. 您是需要查資料學習相關投資知識的投資新手?還是正在構建複雜的投資組合的資深投資者?我們的指南可以指引您如何以滙豐一系列財富產品和網上服務,開展您的創富旅程。由開立投資戶口,到調整投資組合,一步步助您邁向目標。

  7. Get started. Take me straight to. What is the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (CIES)? Who can apply for CIES? What are the CIES eligibility criteria? What is the application process? What are the Permissible Investment Assets? What are the Portfolio Maintenance Requirements? How can HSBC help? Get started.

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