雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 重要事項: 此乃涉及金融衍生工具的結構性產品。. 投資決定是由閣下自行作出的,但閣下不應投資在該結構性產品,除非中介人於銷售該產品時已向閣下解釋經考慮閣下的財務情況、投資經驗及目標後,該產品是適合閣下的。. 結構性投資產品是發行人的產品 ...

    • 香港九龍觀塘海濱道83號One Bay East, Citi Tower
  2. Grasp investment opportunities in different market conditions. Structured product is an instrument embedded with derivative, under which the return is determined by reference to changes in the price, value and/or level of one or more underlying references. They are designed to help you diversify portfolios and limit downside risks.

    • Citi Tower, One Bay East, 83 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
  3. www1.citibank.com.hk › chinese › wealth-managementPortfolio

    「資產增值策略服務」除滿足您的流動資金需求外,同時增強您的投資力量,助您掌握每個投資良機。 以多種抵押品 3 取得貸款. 獲取高達您現有於花旗銀行的投資資產的90%額外資金. 增加投資機會或用作流動資金. 以港幣或其他主要外幣提取貸款. 隨時隨地於流動理財銀行查看貸款詳情. 手續費及年費豁免. 「增值投資組合」如何運作? 通過以下的模擬器,您可以模擬「增值投資組合」對您的投資組合之影響及其補倉分析. 模擬「增值投資組合」的效能. 初始資金. e.g. 200,000. 票面息率或股息率 (年利率) e.g. 5.00. % 孖展百份比. e.g. 75. % 貸款額. e.g. 200,000. 最高貸款額 槓桿使用率. 總投資金額. 貸款利率 (年利率) e.g. 2.5. % 顯示結果.

  4. Citi私人貸款 應付人生每種需要,您處之「貸」然 體驗更好的借貸服務,您專注對您更重要的事。(按此了解私人貸款產品資料概要)可選擇將部份或整張月結單作分期攤還 於Citi Mobile ® App成功申請有機會獲得高達HK$15,000購物禮券

  5. 只要目標Set 好,我哋就會一步一步guide住您實現. 七大「您」想目標,無論想去轉旅行定買架新車,都Guide住您實現。. 您亦可以自訂您嘅財富目標。. 貼心嘅進度提示,要達成目標話咁易. 四個簡單步驟,輕鬆Set好目標. 更多資料 >. 重要聲明. 閣下應自行尋求有關 ...

  6. www1.citibank.com.hk › english › credit-cardsMerchant Instalment Plan

    Payment made on March 20, 2021 (“Payment Date”) HK$300. Finance Charge on the billed Installment (HK$ 1,000) from one day after current Statement Date (March 16) to one day before Payment Date (March 19) at 31%p.a. (i.e. HK$1,000 × 4 days ÷ 365 days × 31%) HK$3.40. Current outstanding Installment amount.

  7. Reach your financial goals—from buying a new car to starting a family. Track your progress in 7 categories - from saving for a trip to buying a new car. You can also set your total wealth target. You should seek advice from your professional advisors as to your particular tax position, including but not limited to estate duty and withholding ...