雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 全力推動電動化. 每天乘搭交通工具的你,知道它的溫室氣體排放量是多少嗎?. 答案是大約18%!. 為了減少運輸界的碳排放,中電積極推動運輸電動化,持續為每天約有600萬人次乘搭的港鐵提供可靠電力供應,全力支援這個環保的集體運輸網絡。. 為了達致2050 ...

  2. 括電動雙層巴士、電動小巴、電動的士、電動客貨車及電動混凝土車,讓市民 近距離拍照留念。 圖六 技術人員現場提供安裝充電裝置的實用資訊及專業技術建議,解答有關電動車 充電的問題。

  3. 根據什麼去估錶. 了解估錶的計算方法。 我會否被多收取電費. 我們會按照客戶的實際用電量,確保客戶不會多收取電費。 如何得知我的賬單是修正賬單. 認識修正賬單的式樣。 如何得知我的賬單是調整賬單.

  4. www.clp.com.hk › zh › residential電動車充電 - CLP

    電動車充電. Learn how you can support green transportation in Hong Kong through electric vehicles (EV). Find out how to choose and charge your EV. We are committed to promoting electric vehicles in Hong Kong and achieve this through education and collaboration with the government, industry and community. We also provide a reliable power ...

  5. www.clp.com.hk › zh › business供電服務 - CLP

    技術指引. 為協助你申請,請你詳細閱讀以下技術指引,以確保你的系統符合相關技術要求。. 指引. 簡介. 電動車充電設施的標準電錶規定. (PDF) 提供標準電錶安裝技術參考,用作設計及規劃與電動車充電設施相關的電力裝置。. 客戶內部配電系統與供電及電錶 ...

  6. www.clp.com.hk › en › clp-power-tariff-adjustment-2024CLP Power Tariff Adjustment 2024

    CLP is set to reduce tariffs starting from 1 January 2024. The Average Net Tariff in 2024 will be 142.9 cents per unit of electricity, representing a 7.4% reduction from 154.4 cents per unit of electricity at the beginning of 2023.

  7. Find out why you should switch to an EV, and what you should consider before buying an EV. Electric vehicles are a more sustainable form of transportation. The HKSAR Government supports EV ownership through incentives and policies. There are several types of electric vehicles.