雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. (22 November 2022) The Board of the Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) held its meeting today and appointed the chairpersons of its five standing committees to oversee the various aspects of the EAA work. The EAA Board is the highest decision-making body of the EAA.

  2. (3 August 2022) The Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) welcomes the Government’s announcement today of the appointment of Mr Simon SIU Chak-yu, BBS, JP to succeed Ms Elaine LIU, JP as the new Chairman of the EAA Board effective from 29 July 2022.

  3. (30 October 2020) The Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) welcomes the Government’s announcement today of the appointment of Ms Elaine LIU Yuk-ling, JP (photo attached) to succeed Professor William LEUNG Wing-cheung, SBS, JP as the new Chairman of the EAA Board effective from 1 November 2020.

  4. Estate Agents Authority 地產代理監管局

  5. 2014/15. 年報. 監管局團隊. The EAA Team. 1. 高善君女士. 法律事務及考試部經理. Ms Susanna KO. Manager (Legal Services and Examination)

  6. Press Release. The EAA welcomes new Chairman and Members. (31 October 2014) The Estate Agents Authority (EAA) welcomes the Government’s announcement today of the appointment of Mr William Leung Wing-cheung, BBS, JP to succeed Ms Vivien Chan, SBS, JP as the Chairman of the EAA Board from 1 November 2014.

  7. Report of the Chief Executive Officer. 2007/08年度,持牌地產代理人數續創新高。 監管局一方面留意從業員執業手法,懲治違規違法行為;另一方面,監管局致力通過培訓,提升行業的專業水平。 適逢監管局慶祝成立十周年紀念,我亦有幸第五次以行政總裁身分呈交工作報告。 回顧過去,監管局「發展」與「規管」並重;有許許多多的里程碑,令我感到欣慰。 香港地產代理行業的規管制度和水平,與世界其他大城市相比,絕不遜色。 考試與發牌. 在2007/08年度,樓市興旺,參加地產代理資格考試和營業員資格考試的考生人數,比上年度分別上升11% 和40%。 這亦可能是因為監管局調低了營業員資格考試的費用,並增加了考試次數。

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