雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年2月21日 · 2024年東京的櫻花預計會在3月20日前後綻放。 往年從開花到盛開為止,約為1週至10天左右的期間。 (開花預報引用自 日本氣象協會 於2024年2月20日所發布的資料) 東京最佳櫻花祭與賞櫻地點. 東京的賞櫻地點相當多元,從知名勝地到私房景點都有,若您想充分體驗賞櫻樂趣,可前往參加祭典活動,沉浸在活力十足的氛圍之中。 以下將為您介紹7個熱門祭典,不妨與當地民眾一同欣賞櫻花的轉瞬即逝之美,度過一段愉悅的迎春時光。 中目黑櫻花節. 在流行敏銳度高,卻也保持著悠閒氣息的中目黑地區,可以見到許多時髦的咖啡廳。 原本靜謐的目黑川河岸每到舉辦 中目黑櫻花節 的時期就會變的熱鬧非凡。 不僅掛滿整排的燈籠,販售飲料與小吃的攤販也會聚集現場,吸引大批遊客到訪,營造出嘉年華般的熱鬧氣氛。

  2. 東京Metro地鐵擁有9條路線共180座車站,鐵路總長達195公里,是日本規模最大的地鐵營運公司。 每天平均客運量約有595萬人次(截至2023年3月),路線範圍由東京西北部郊外,橫渡隅田川至東部地區,堪稱東京最重要的交通工具之一。 部分路線還與其他鐵路直接連通,可省去轉乘時上下車的麻煩。 都營地鐵. 東京另一個主要的地鐵系統為都營地鐵,其擁有淺草線、三田線、新宿線、大江戶線共4條路線以及106座車站。 2018年的每天平均客運量達282萬人次,是東京大都會圈交通網的主要組成部分。 大江戶線的行車路線環繞東京一周,淺草線則與其他鐵路直接連通,可通往成田機場或羽田機場。 其他電車路線. 東京還有各家鐵路營運公司的 電車 路線行經全區,乘車前需在各車站驗票閘門附近的售票機購買車票。

  3. 2024年2月20日 · 從這裡開始為正文. Updated: February 20, 2024. 使用經濟實惠的車票或交通IC卡,划算且有效率地在都內活動,充分享受在東京的時光吧。 東京擁有電車、地鐵、巴士及單軌電車等眾多大眾運輸。 有其各自的經營業者,價格設定也各有不同。 只要持有由各家鐵路公司發行的一張交通IC卡,即可搭乘主要的大眾運輸工具。 同樣一張IC卡也可至加盟店家和自動販賣機購物。 各公司也提供不同的優惠車票,建議可事先搜尋相關訊息。 交通IC卡. Suica或PASMO等交通IC卡不僅可在東京都內使用,也可在搭乘日本全國各地區的主要鐵路或巴士時使用。 預付儲值型的交通IC卡即使餘額不足也能儲值現金後重複使用。 只需將交通IC卡感應車站的自動驗票機或是巴士的費用箱上的感應器,即可自動扣款。

  4. Nakano Broadway. Tsukishima Monja Street. YanakaGinza. Tokyo Skytree - a 360 view of Tokyo from above the clouds. Namjatown. Kanda Myojin Shrine. Tokyo Area Guide. All you need to know about Tokyo's tourist attractions, events, hotels, transportations & more from the official travel guide of Tokyo for visitors.

    • Edo Castle Turned Imperial Palace
    • Visiting The Tokyo Imperial Palace
    • Imperial Palace Walking Tour
    • East Gardens
    • "Ippan Sanga"- Seeing The Imperial Family
    • Hotels Near The Imperial Palace

    For over 250 years, Japan was ruled by the Tokugawa shogun during what was known as the Edo Period – Edo being the old name for Tokyo. The current Imperial Palace, known as Kokyo in Japanese, sits on the former site of Edo Castle. However, in 1868, the shogunate was overthrown, and Japan’s capital was moved from Kyoto to Tokyo, with the Imperial Re...

    You can call by the site of the Imperial Palaceany time –its perimeter is a popular jogging route and the East Gardens are open to the public year-round. However, to make the most of your visit and get a good historical overview, put on some comfortable shoes and take a walking tour. Check the Imperial Palace’s official website for a map of the gro...

    Some part of the inner palace grounds can only be viewed on a tour, which is held in English and Japanese, twice daily, Tuesday thru Saturday. While same-day tickets are available, you can easily skip the queues by making an advance reservation for a ticket through contacting the Imperial Household Agency. The tour is open and distributed from 9:00...

    Open daily except Mondays, Fridays and designated holidays, these beautiful Japanese gardensare free to the public and especially popular for their dazzling cherry blossoms during the spring and their vibrant autumn foliage later in the year. Take a stroll for a glimpse into the area’s history as the former site of Edo Castle-you can view and climb...

    Since the Imperial Palace is the main residence of the Imperial Family, it is fairly understandable that they can’t welcome visitors all year round. But there are two days a year when you catch a glimpse of them up close. As part of a New Year celebration, on January 2nd, the grounds of the Imperial Palace are open to the general public. Large crow...

    Sitting truly in the heart of Tokyo and with great access to the city, there are plenty of hotels around the Imperial Palace. Imperial Hotel Tokyois a luxurious hotel that has won 5 stars on the hotel information website "five Star Alliance". It opened in 1890 in order to accommodate an influx of distinguished international visitors. The Forbes Tra...

  5. Free. Tokyo tourist attractions. Explore Tokyo’s historical sites, romantic places and some of the other unique places that make this city so special. Check out our Tokyo tourism guide, complete to find our recommendations for famous places and must-visit locations. From historical sites to the Tokyo of the future, there is lots to see and do.

  6. High-tech, modern and colorful. An ultramodern area on Tokyo Bay, the Odaiba district is your go-to place for pleasure cruising, shopping and general seaside fun. The island built in Tokyo Bay was originally created by the Edo shogunate in the 1850s to protect Tokyo from the threat of marine attacks.

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