雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1 KRW =

    0.006 HKD

  2. 主要特點. 透過開立外幣儲蓄賬戶,您可進行多種貨幣買賣,讓您同時賺取利息及外匯價格上落帶來的回報. 可選擇多種交易途徑來進行買賣外幣,包括遍佈全港的分行網絡、網上銀行、個人流動銀行、電話理財及專人接聽交易專線 (852)2868 2997 或 (852)2868 4277. 本行 ...

  3. The Bank has always been dedicated to the motto of “For Personalized Service”, aiming at providing up-to-date and tailored services to our customers as top-priority. We strive to meet our customers‘ various needs with a wide range of retail and corporate banking products and services, including deposits, loans, remittances, foreign exchange, credit cards, securities trading ...

  4. www.shacombank.com.hk › tch › rate匯率及利率


  5. 為保障客戶及進一步加強網上交易安全,由2021年6月25日起,客戶登記 / 重新登記「流動保安編碼」後,須先致電本行客戶服務熱線驗證身份,以進行個人網上銀行之高風險交易 (如轉賬至未經登記賬戶、提高交易限額等)。. 客戶服務熱線: 2818 0282 (按 1>1>8>1 使用 ...

  6. www.shacombank.com.hk › tch › personal外幣簡便活期儲蓄

    可隨時透過網上銀行及電話理財,辦理各項賬戶交易. 立即行動. 查詢外幣簡便活期儲蓄之存款利率 查詢開戶時的所需文件. 條款及細則. 聯絡我們. 實用工具. 推薦. .

  7. www.shacombank.com.hk › tch › commercial其他外幣支票賬戶

    可隨時透網上銀行、電話理財,辦理各項賬戶交易. 可透過外幣支票賬戶申請透支服務,應付各種資金週轉需要。 (銀行保留最後審批權) 查詢各種貨幣之最低開戶存款額. 立即行動. 查詢開戶時的所需文件. 條款及細則. .

  8. Withdraw RMB in cash from an RMB account or HKD account at any of our ATMs anytime. A maximum of the equivalent of HKD20,000 per account per day. The services are applicable to the HKD Shacom Card, RMB Shacom Card, Shanghai Commercial Bank HKD credit card and other JETCO member bank cards. Note:

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