雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年6月27日 · Dante Rodrigues is a Tiwi Islander professional fighter. In 2018, he was the first Aboriginal kickboxer to represent Australia at an Olympic level, where he won a silver medal for the nation in the Junior World Kickboxing Championships in Italy. READ MORE. Could this Koori girl be our next Sam Kerr?

  2. 2024年6月28日 · 薩克勒家族對奧施康定「成為美國鴉片類藥物危機的一部分」表示遺憾,但否認有不當行為。. 美國最高法院以 5 票對 4 票的表決結果阻止了鴉片 ...

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  4. 2024年8月1日 · Junior doctors are the frontline medics of any hospital. These young doctors in training are the specialists and surgeons of tomorrow, but not until they pass their toughest test: treating life and death trauma far away from loved ones. New episode Thursdays. Start Here. Sun, Sea and Snake Bite. 45m.

  5. 2021年7月24日 · 俗稱「反送中」的香港反對修訂逃犯條例引發的政治運動,在2019年上旬開始,由多場的和平示威抗議,演變成激烈的警民暴力衝突。 反修例一方指責香港政府及警方濫暴,政府則將運動定性為「反政府動亂」。 雖然最終撤回修例動議,但政府沒回應抗爭者要求撤回動亂定性等「五大訴求」。 事件令香港過去兩年有翻天覆地的變化,逾萬人被捕、大量抗爭者流亡、不少人舉家移民,亦有人繼續留守——導演周冠威便是其中一員。 紀錄片《時代革命》導演周冠威 Source: 《時代革命》團隊. 雖然他母親替他改的英文名Kiwi令他從小對澳洲及新西蘭都有一個想像,也很想踏足這兩個國家,但在移民和流亡潮下,他即使有了被捕準備,也決定留下。 周冠威是香港編劇及導演。

  6. 3 天前 · Episode 1. 58m. Dante, in love, wanders into a riot. He finds himself in a new world that is surprising and dangerous, but also full of opportunity. Subtitles: English (CC) Country: UK. Director: Paul Whittington. Cast: Levi Brown, Jordan Bolger, Nicholas Pinnock, Geraldine James, Ben Rose, Eve Austin. Watch Trailer. Add to Favourites. Season 1. 1.

  7. 2023年11月11日 · Australia is a multicultural nation, so it's inevitable for newcomers to experience a degree of culture shock due to differences in customs and practices. Things like walking barefoot, no bidet or “tabo”, and the early closing of malls are just a few instances of culture shock encountered by some Filipinos upon their arrival in Australia.

  8. 2023年10月13日 · Both are victories the 44-year-old can be proud of: the Slam awards the largest spoken word prize in the country, and Waters' win at the Sydney Opera House last Sunday was the culmination of 70 heats held across the continent. He says the thought of winning never entered his mind.