雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    IPA [dəʊˈneɪʃn]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 捐贈物 to make a donation (to sb./sth.) (向某人/某機構)捐贈
    • 2. 捐贈 the donation of sth. to sb./sth. 向某人/某機構捐贈某物
  2. 如欲索取捐款收據,請即時列印繳費「指示執行狀況」確認紀錄,然後連同捐款表格 ( MS Word格式 / PDF 格式 ),傳真至 (852) 2802-0017或郵寄至本會。. 銀通自動櫃員機「慈善捐款」 (只適用於銀通銀行客戶) 您可利用遍佈全港印有「銀通」標誌的自動櫃員機 (JETCO ATMs ...

  3. 通訊語言. 收據名稱 (如非以上捐款者) 一次性捐款收據將於捐款後即時發送到你的電子郵箱。. 每年累計捐款港幣100元或以上,可憑收據在香港申請免稅。. 每月捐款收據將於每年四月發出。. 以上資料只會用作寄發收據、報導救盲活動、籌募及各項活動推廣用途 ...

  4. 與保良局連成一 「善」 誠邀你捐款支持本局各項服務,支援有需要群體︰ 「一般捐款」︰讓本局靈活調配捐款,適時支援最有需要項目或群體 選擇其他捐款計劃/項目,支援指定群體 註: 如下載捐款表格,請將填妥之捐款表格連同劃線支票、入數紙正本或信用卡資料,寄住香港銅鑼灣禮頓道66號 ...

  5. 請注意網絡安全,切勿向來歷不明的電郵發放個人資料。如有查詢,請電郵至donation@hongkong.msf.org或致電捐款熱線(852) 2338 8277。 此網上收款平台商戶位於香港。

  6. Your donation will be used to support MSF's relief work, delivering medical aid around the world to those needing it the most. Please be cautious about online security and do not provide any personal information in reply to emails from unknown or suspicious sources.

  7. GoodCity promotes generosity and giving through our charity donation app, where we connect people by facilitating the process of donation with the help of volunteers to review, receive, and process donations in Hong Kong.

  8. 善長可以信用卡 (VISA/ MasterCard/ 銀聯) 進行網上捐款,或透過各參與銀行提供的網上捐款服務,將善款直接存入香港明愛 支票抬頭請寫「香港明愛」。將支票連同填妥的捐款表格,郵寄或親身交到香港堅道2號明愛大廈財務辦公室

  9. FedEx, Alcon Foundation, Jebsen, Fondation L'Occitane, Pfizer, and Omega are some of the names associated with Orbis on the global stage. Donate money online, or by any channels to make your tax deductible charitable donation in Hong Kong. Orbis is a charity that fights avoidable blindness in HK and around the world.

  10. Individual and business donors who are chargeable to salaries tax, personal assessment or profits tax can claim deduction for the aggregate of approved charitable donation up to 35% of the assessable income or profits, as the case may be, in the basis period of

  11. Donate now. OXFAM in Africa. Oxfam Hong Kong started to work in Africa in the 1980s. Since 1990, we have supported over 300 projects in over 20 countries, such as on emergency relief, agricultural support, water supply, basic education, health care, AIDS prevention and more. Donate Now.

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