雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 劉先生於2022年加入本集團,為本集團副總裁兼財務總監,亦為理慧銀行董事長及香港印鈔有限公司董事。. 在加入本集團前,劉先生擔任中國銀行股權投資與綜合經營管理部總經理。. 劉先生於1994年加入中國銀行,曾擔任中國銀行財務管理部總經理和司庫總經理 ...

  2. BOCHK has sponsored the Hong Kong, China Association of Athletics Affiliates (HKAAA) to organise the inaugural Bank of China (Hong Kong) Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HK Section) Half Marathon which was successfully held on 19 November. Nearly 8,000 runners participated together in the half marathon on the world's longest bridge-tunnel sea ...

  3. Program Overview. During the 8-week internship, BOCHK will provide interns with a diverse and comprehensive training program. We will organize specialized training sessions about the latest trends and practical case studies in the application of ESG concepts of the banking industry.

  4. 專業團隊 中銀香港私人銀行的團隊由優秀的專業顧問、產品專家及客戶經理組成,深受客戶信賴。我們的財富管理專家具備卓越的國際私人銀行服務經驗,全力以赴,助您達成理想。團隊成員各有專長,同時發揮協同優勢,確保我們的專業才能及真知灼見滿足您的財富願景。

  5. 以專享價預訂 「中銀理財」 專屬的香港賽馬會跑馬地及沙田馬場貴賓廂座,讓您觀賞精彩賽事,同時享用豐富的自助餐,與親朋好友、生意夥伴共度歡樂時光,享受品味生活. 請 按此 瀏覽詳情. 優先參加各類尊貴活動,如高爾夫球賽、演奏會及投資講座等. 「中銀理財」Visa Infinite卡. 餐飲 (包括網上餐飲)及海外簽賬享高達6X積分獎賞 (相等於2.4%現金回贈) 尊享機場貴賓室服務. 名貴轎車機場接送服務禮遇. 永久豁免年費優惠. 提示:借定唔借? 還得到先好借! 詳情請 按此 瀏覽. 一般條款: 中國銀行 (香港)有限公司 (「本行」)提供的 「中銀理財」 服務 (「本服務」)只適用於個人銀行客戶。 上述產品、服務與優惠受有關條款約束,詳情請參閱相關宣傳品或向本行職員查詢。

  6. Bank of China (Hong Kong) (“BOCHK”), the strategic partner of Hong Kong Palace Museum (“HKPM”), solely sponsored HKPM to launch“HKPM Showtime Carnival”. With the theme of “Museum by the Harbour”, HKPM has presented the first music program at the atrium for two consecutive weekends (30 and 31 March; 6 and 7 April).

  7. Understanding Brings Us Closer. We understand your needs and explore every possibility. Elevating your experience with new technology. Making sustainable development a reality. Walking hand-in-hand towards a brighter future. 深知 所以更近. Understanding Brings Us Closer. We understand that we all build the future together.