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      • Apple officially discontinues the M1 MacBook Air and retires an iconic design News By Stevie Bonifield published 4 March 2024 So long to the last of the M1 MacBooks and the classic wedge design (Image credit: Future) Apple just unveiled the sleek new M3 MacBook Air, but it came with a catch – the M1 MacBook Air is discontinued as of March 4, 2024.
  1. 其他人也問了

  2. 2024年4月3日 · Now that Apple no longer sells the MacBook Air M1 in its online store, it seems the once-mighty laptop is ready to retire. But is that really the case? Though the Apple M2 and Apple M3...

  3. 2023年1月31日 · 引言. M1 MacBook Air 筆電早已不是新品,但至今小編認為不管你是不是果粉,如果不排斥 macOS 系統的話,買筆電前你都該先考慮看看這款筆電! 注意~是 M1 版的、不是 M2 版的,雖然他們各有利弊,但性價比來說,M1 MacBook Air 仍是首推。 目前為止小編用手上這款 M1 MacBook Air 已經超過一年時間,本文就來給有打算入手 MacBook 筆電但還在猶豫要哪一款、或是在考慮要不要踏入 macOS 人一個長期使用心得報告,也會說明一下 MacBook Air 搭載 M1 和 M2 兩種晶片的差異,以及該不該跳級選目前的 M2 Pro / M2 Max MacBook Pro 14 / 16。 從 Intel 到 M1、從 Windows 到 macOS.

  4. 2024年1月29日 · 7. 被浏览. 13,275. 7 个回答. 默认排序. 厚木诗与远方. 非著名数码点评小师. 各位知乎的朋友们,大家好! 今天我来跟大家聊聊一个热门话题——2024年买MacBook Air M1值不值? 作为一枚资深 果粉 和科技爱好者,我已经迫不及待地想跟大家分享我的使用体验了! 首先,我们得明确一点,MacBook Air M1可是苹果家族中的一颗璀璨明珠。 它搭载了苹果自家研发的M1芯片,性能强劲,功耗控制出色,无论是日常办公还是轻度娱乐,都能轻松应对。 而且,MacBook Air M1的续航能力也是相当给力,出门在外再也不用担心电量问题了。 再来说说外观吧,MacBook Air M1的轻薄设计简直让人爱不释手。

  5. 2024年3月4日 · Apple Discontinues MacBook Air With M1 Chip. [ MacRumors] As typically happens when a new Apple device gets announced, it’s “out with the old, in with the new.” The company has quietly...

    • Chris Welch
    • IOS Apps and Games
    • Kernel Extensions
    • Screen Brightness Eats Battery Life
    • Backups May Not Work at All

    The iOS apps that are available on macOS work pretty well. For example, the iOS video editor LumaFusion works well and costs a fraction of FCP X. If iOS games are your happy place, you'll find that touch interfaces don't transfer well to a trackpad and keyboard. Keep your iPad for gaming.

    Changing security settings to add kernel extensions is a pain. Kernel extensions now require a reboot or two and some non-obvious navigation. It'll get harder as Apple enhances macOS security.

    This is an FYI nit, or nits. Apple Silicon sips power, but today's LED backlights don't. If you crank the display up full, there's a noticeable -- 2-3 hour -- reduction in battery life. Better than Intel MacBooks, but this is why Apple is pushing micro-LED backlighting.

    This is something that pros especially should be aware of: bootable backups are possible, but if your internal SSD completely dies, that bootable backup will fail too. I'm still investigating the issue, and Apple doesn't have a clear statement of direction, but this may mean the end of third-party backup utilities. Also: How to easily connect an in...

  6. 2024年3月4日 · published 4 March 2024. So long to the last of the M1 MacBooks and the classic wedge design. (Image credit: Future) Apple just unveiled the sleek new M3 MacBook Air, but it came with a...

  7. 2021年1月17日 · 數碼生活. M1 MacBook Air評測|高效長氣、反應快高兼容 近乎完美8大賣點. 撰文:林勇. 出版: 2021-01-17 07:00 更新:2021-02-05 14:21. 3. M1 MacBook Air評測! Apple M1 MacBook Air推出了一段時間,不少外媒都已經為新機作出評測,不少更大讚新機表現非常出色。 記者同樣實測了近1個月的時間,發現新機的表現更出乎自己預期! 究竟有什麼出色之處? 立刻與大家分享! Apple M1 MacBook Air外表跟上代幾乎一樣,但更換了Apple自家M1處理器,究竟性能、實用表現如何?