雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are no heroes, and certainly are not successfully by Biblical standards. "Science" Falsely So-called "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called" -1st Timothy 6:20

  2. 「一名英國女童參與了一項開創性的新基因療法試驗,成為全球首個恢復聽覺的人。 https://news.sky.com/story/british-girls-hearing-restored-in-pioneering-gene-therapy-trial-13131548. 這是通過在她的耳朵區域添加一些基因完成的。 這僅是我們有能力以任何想要的方式編輯基因的事實之一。...

  3. This corroborates the evidence Bill Gates deliberately injected tens of millions of people with cancer causing vaccines. They have also been trying to cause heart problems: AstraZeneca faces up...

    • 正式但沒那麼親近的人:Condolences慰問、Sympathy吊唁
    • 提及與對方的美好回憶:Wonderful Memories
    • 如果不太熟識對方(亡者),你可以跟他的家人朋友這麼說

    1.I am writing to express my sincere condolences on the death of your (husband/wife/mother…)來信給(某人)獻上最誠摯的慰問 2.Please accept our deepest sympathies.(請接受我們最深切的慰問。)

    4.I have so many wonderful memories of your brother.(我和你哥哥有很多很好的回憶。) 5.Your dad was such a nice teacher/was always kind to me.(你爸爸生前是一個很好的老師/對我很好。)

    6.I can't imagine how you must feel.(我不能想像你的感受。) 7.It's never easy to lose a parent.(失去父母很煎熬。) 8.We are here to support you.(我們都會支持你。) 9.This must be so hard for you.(這事你一定很難熬。) 10.We are thinking of you/You are in my thoughts.(我(們)很關心你。) 三個月英文脫胎換骨的一對一:http://goo.gl/5eIOmf

  4. 是這樣用的啊!. 標點三兄弟. 逗號、分號、句號,是閱讀時最常見的三種標點符號。. 然而,許多寫作者習於使用逗號和句號,更往往是濫用逗號少用句號,甚至整個段落「一『逗』到底」;而分號,則經常都消失不見了。. 濫用逗號容易形成語意糾結不清的 ...

  5. 而要講到佛羅倫斯的建築,這座「聖母百花大教堂」Duomo di Firenze絶對是最顯目的建築地標。. 尤其是它於1436年完工的大穹頂不但是義大利建築的代表作之一,數百年來更是為著佛羅倫斯定義了美麗的天際線。. 目前同在「聖母百花大教堂」所在「教堂廣場」Piazza ...

  6. Misteral's Daughter》(迴旋夢裡的男人這齣影集故事取材自Judith Krantz的小說,乍看下有點亂倫的感覺,一個巴黎女子被畫家拋棄,轉而嫁給一個美國富豪,生下的女兒卻愛上老情人,然後女兒因此身死,遺留下三代女子都是「私生女」的悲劇,複雜的