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  1. CLARINS: 天然美肌、護膚與彩妝產品,彰顯植物萃取的力量。. 始於1954年的護膚科研知識。. Clarins運用可持續的天然成分研製針對性護膚配方,推出一系列功效卓越的產品,歡迎選購。.

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    Clarins的價值觀 主頁 面部&身體護理 肌膚護理 探索頂級植物護膚品系列,運用大自然高效活性成分研創從日常護理到針對性的抗衰老護理等多種產品。 面部 ...

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    Clarins. 2,888,630 個讚好 · 932 人正在談論這個 · 1,374 次簽到. CLARINS, No. 1 in European luxury skin care www.clarins.com.hk

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  5. Find the answers to your questions about shopping at Clarins. Reach out to us at Clarins Online for online customer care, help and assistance.

  6. The Science of Skincare since 1954. Shop Clarins’ range of ultra-effective targeted skincare formulas, made from sustainable natural ingredients.

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  8. www.clarins.com.hk › en › skincareSkincare | CLARINS®

    View Speak with a Clarins Beauty Coach Speak with a Clarins Beauty Coach Free Consultation Book later Discuss now Chat with our customer service Take our skincare quiz Wait a few seconds Your service is about to start Wait a few seconds ...

  9. www.clarins.com.hk › en › face-body-careFace Serums | CLARINS®

    Our experts have the answer. Ultra-concentrated and super powerful! Anti-aging boosters, hydration moisture shots, veritable beauty elixirs: serums incorporate targeted properties that amplify your day cream's effects. We peel back the covers on the secret powers these skincare super heroes provide!

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