雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Set in 73 acres of stunning English countryside is Concord College, a boarding and day school that is truly international. A haven where academically minded students can fuel their passions, fulfil their potential and find their futures.

  2. Concord College 是一所位於英格蘭西部 Shropshire 郊區的頂尖國際寄宿學校,校內學生以國際學生為主,而且大部份來自東南亞。 學校在公開考試表現優異,於多個排名榜上也名列前茅。

  3. www.britannia-study.com › school › concord-college-reviewConcord College - 英識教育

    Concord College擁有優秀的教職員並通過提供豐富的教育資源、支援、機會,幫助學生追求更卓越的成績。在Concord College,學生們通常會為自己設定相當高要求的目標,並在一個鼓勵獨立思考和智力好奇心的培養環境中茁壯成長。

  4. Concord gives its students the skills and qualifications required for access to top universities in the UK and globally, and prepares them for lives where they can make a positive difference to those and the world around them.

  5. Welcome to Concord College, a truly international boarding and day school catering for 580 students from around 40 nations. Beautiful 73 acre campus 580 students from 40 different nations

  6. Students join Concord in Form 3 (typically age 13), Form 4 (typically age 14) and Sixth Form (typically age 16 or 17). We understand that education systems vary around the world and it is occasionally necessary and possible to accept students who may be up to a year younger or older than the typical entry ages.

  7. Concord College is an independent co-educational international day/boarding school in Shropshire, England situated in the grounds of Acton Burnell Castle. The college admits students aged between 12 and 19; the majority of whom come from overseas.

  8. The College aims to include all the key elements of a Concord education in our fees. Our fees include some elements that would be added as extra items at some schools. What is included in the Boarding fee?

  9. Concord College sits in the quintessential English hamlet of Acton Burnell. Our campus combines a mixture of modern and ancient buildings.

  10. Concord College is a highly academic independent international co-educational school in England for day and boarding students . Situated on 80 acre campus set in Shropshire, Concord is one of the top ranking schools in the UK.

  11. Concord College, located in the picturesque English countryside of Shropshire, is an international co-educational boarding and day college that offers exceptional education to students aged 13 to 19. It prepares students for either GCSE/IGCSE or A level courses.

  12. Find contact details for Concord College here. Call us on +44 (0)1694 731631, or email us with enquiries@concordcollege.org.uk.

  13. Concord College 於1949年創校全英國首屈一指的學校,專門培訓有意升讀醫科、牙科及升讀牛津、劍橋大學的學生。 該校A-Level選科較少,但學校請來最優秀的老師提供精益求精的教學,是一間以目標為本且極具競爭性的學校。

  14. Concord College. Concord College建校於1949年,有著65年的歷史,是一間位於英格蘭西部Shropshire郡的男女子中學。. 作為一間國際寄宿學校,該校的國際學生佔了全校學生人數約85%,大部分來自亞洲地區。. Concord College是一間學術上選擇性收生(Academic Selective)的學校,只 ...

  15. Concord College协和学院是英国一所历史悠久、环境优美、学术气氛浓厚的顶尖寄宿学校。 学院综合排名在《泰晤士报》和《金融时报》的排名分别位于第4和第6。

  16. 2019年11月8日 · 今年,兒子在英國會考GCSE考獲11科A*,憑佳績轉校至排名更高的協和學院(Concord College),申請方法是連同成績去信學校申請,再經入學試及面試考入,毋須再經升學機構作中介。

  17. Concord College基本上是一所中六學院,只有少量13至16歲的學生。 全校學生80%是讀Sixth Form,超過80%是海外生,東南亞學生最多,所以是一間international school,不是傳統英國寄宿學校,每週六都要考試,所以A-Level成績很好。

  18. Concord College, Shrewsbury, Shropshire. 4,156 likes · 7 talking about this · 78 were here. Concord College is a highly academic independent international school in England.

  19. The Concord College Summer School programme is a fantastic opportunity for boys & girls to study together on a beautiful campus that is safe and welcoming.

  20. 2024年3月11日 · 聖保羅男女中學排名為全港第一,以英語為教學語言,小組教學為主;喺2012至2022年間累計咗15位文憑試狀元(7科5**),同埋至少31位榜眼(6科5**),更加喺2020DSE誕生咗三位7科5**狀元。. 學校同時開設咗香港中學文憑 (DSE)同國際文憑 (IBDP)雙軌課程,而喺 ...

  21. 4 天前 · Jun 25 2024. 中學排名2023|香港中學排名2023TOP100 Band1中學及傳統中學名校,Sundaykiss為你一文整合中學組別、校網地區、類別、中一自行分配及統一派位學額學額。. 分組類別僅供比對及參考,加上消息取自種種管道,故呼籲家長謹慎審核,切勿輕易深信。. 中學 ...

  22. 學校以英文為主要教學語言. 全校語文政策 :除中國語文、中國歷史、中國文學及普通話外,學校其他科目主要以英文為教學語言。 學校推行兩文三語政策,在正式的場合中,校方採用英語或普通話。 學習和教學策略 :提倡重視靈育發展的「全人教育」,以開放的學與教策略鼓勵學生培養自發的學習動機及創意表現。 學校不只強調優良的成績,更重視學生心靈陶育、多元化興趣、共通能力及均衡的人格發展。 採納適異教學策略,提供不同課程組合以配合不同學生的個別需要。 聯課活動包括國內外文化考察團及服務體驗團以拓闊學生視野。 為迎合世界急速發展的需要,課堂及評核中亦加入不少電子學習的元素。 學校設有閱讀獎勵計劃。 此外,每星期設有閱讀時間,以鼓勵學生廣泛閱讀課外資料,增強語文能力,並擴闊知識基礎。

  23. 在2022/23學年,全港共有54國際學校和7所提供非本地課程的私立學校,除了英基學校協會轄下的學校部份受政府資助外,所有國際學校均是私立小學,亦即是由辦學團體自資經營,由校董會自行管理,沒有政府的資助。. 所以學校擁有完全獨立的收生自主權,包括 ...

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