雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. MMU CPE 如果要拿60至65分畢業 (Commendation),都不算太難,勤力一點就可以,但一般只可入part time HKU PCLL. 但如果係65至70 (Top Commendation),甚至70以上 (即係distinction),就真係要下一番苦工。. MMU CPE 如果要拿60至65分畢業 (Commendation),都不算太難,勤力一點就可以,但 ...

  2. 我而家係HKU SPACE 讀緊 CPE YR 1, 但係覺得 MMU 好似唔係咁出名... 同埋都想做番全職學生 所以想2010 年度過英國考番 Cambridge, oxford 或者London U一系列果0的 Uni 全職讀番個LLB. 而 cpe 就唔讀, 因為而家經濟差公司 cut 0左人手, 攪到好忙, 根本連學都番唔到. 又無時間溫書同做功課. 與其唔湯唔水考得差, 不如儲 ...

  3. 2020年8月2日 · 我本身有意從意法律工作。希望完成diploma in legal studies後,再考CPE及讀LLB。希望可以入到PCLL。 我見到hku space個簡介話,diploma in legal studies有distinction先guarantee有位讀CPE,所以希望知道有關課程的難易程度。 請指教,謝謝。 《香港討論區》

  4. 今日HKU SPACE CPE出成績啦,想問問師兄們我夠唔夠分入PCLL? #1. 發表於 2022-7-14 15:12. 只看該作者. 大 中 小. 繁 簡. 今日收到第二年成績,我唔諗住讀MMU LLB,反而諗緊拎住個GDL 考CONVERSION。. 但我又唔肯定我夠唔夠成績,有無師兄可以話我知我呢個成績夠唔夠入PCLL?

  5. 9/2023開學hku space cpe Hku space en conversion 有關certificate in legal studies 邊個課程難d? 城市大學CITYU Hong Kong Sport Institute. 引用:原帖由 Flamigossss 於 2023-3-27 21:23 發表 入pcll 係難,好要second up? 我唔清楚,但要同hku, cu, city, oversea,咁多勁人爭 香港討論區.

  6. 2014年7月18日 · I think HKU SPACE's Certificate Of Legal Studies ( 1-year PT) is a good gentle introduction to HK Law if you are not sure of your own ability and don't want to commit for three years ... but U of London LLB (3 years PT) is a much better option if you can get onto the course as a non-graduate. The LLB is roughly equal to an law first degree, but ...

  7. 2008年8月2日 · mooncomfortable 2008-8-8 01:06. Not good, I know there are three classmates interviewed get offers. around 56 marks. I think we are exceptional cases, coz only marginal students get interview. we still need to wait for our conversion exams results. No hope la. on average, you have to get at least 57 marks.

  8. 今日HKU SPACE CPE出成績啦,想問問師兄們我夠唔夠分入PCLL? - 法律學界 - 法律 Law - 香港討論區 Discuss.com.hk - 香討.香港 No.1. 今年year 1 都高分,至少同我有關係大部分過70, 用同一套logic. Year 1唔存在手緊.

  9. 2013年7月27日 · 繁 簡. You don't need to waste your time to repeat year 1 but to get better mark for year 2. Though there is grade inflation for PCLL entry but don't think it necessary to achieve above 60 for part time PCLL . However u need to make sure you can get commendation for your CPE. UID.

  10. 2023年9月13日 · 請問有冇人今年9月(9/2023)會喺HKU Space讀CPE? - 法律學界 - 法律 Law - 香港討論區 Discuss.com.hk - 香討.香港 No.1. 大家好,我剛剛安左telegram, 點join你地?. welcome pack (hard copy) was sent by post on 12 September.

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