雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Diocesan Boys' School. News. 02 Jul DBS Homecoming Concert 2024. [DBS Homecoming Concert 2024] We are delighted to announce that the DBS Homecoming Concert 2024 will be held on 4, 6 and 7 July.

  2. The school offers 150 school places in the coming cohort of Grade One classes. As a “through-train” school, we offer all qualified Grade Six boys a smooth transition to continue their secondary school education in Diocesan Boys’ School.

  3. 拔萃男書院 Diocesan Boys' School 辦學宗旨:拔萃男書院的使命是提供以基督教原則為基礎的自由教育,培養全面發展、品德優良的個人,並培育創意、批判性思維、及多元智能,最大限度發揮學生的各種才華。

  4. 2005年8月19日 · 拔萃男書院(英語: Diocesan Boys' School,簡稱男拔萃、男拔和DBS)是基督教 香港聖公會 東九龍教區所設辦的一所全日制 男子學校。 拔萃男書院成立於1868年,設有中學部及小學部,為 香港補助學校議會 轄下22所補助學校之一。

  5. 入學考試. 獲揀選的申請者需要接受中、英文面試。 於運動或音樂方面有特別才能的申請者,將獲邀出席體育或音樂測試。 海外和本地申請者會於同日接受面試。 學生甄選. 遴選委員會會根據申請者的面試表現、過往的學業成績紀錄和課外活動成就,作為甄選標準。 遴選委員會將考慮有特別才能的申請者(例如學生有傑出天賦或教職員家屬)。 可是,這些特別個案不會超過總入學人數的百分之二十五。 學校採用嚴謹的「保密」政策,確保申請者不會因經濟因素而被拒入學。 學校推行「學費減免計劃」,為有需要的學生(包括領取綜援的家庭)提供全數或部分學費減免。 此外,學校成立了「教育基金」,為有需要的學生提供財政援助。 至於在各方面有傑出表現的學生將獲發「獎學金」以作鼓勵。 結果公佈. 收生結果會在2024年3月底或4月初公佈。

  6. The Diocesan Boys' School (DBS) is a day and boarding Anglican boys' school in Hong Kong, located at 131 Argyle Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon. The school's mission is "to provide a liberal education based on Christian principles".

  7. Virtual Admissions Talk HKDSE G12 (S6) Repeaters Admission Latest News G7 (F1) Admission G8 (F2) to G11 (F5) Admission IB Admission Admission Events Fee Remission Scheme Scholarships Scheme School Fee Welfare Summer School – G7 Bridging Course Prospectus School History Newspaper Clipping Download Area 最新消息 中一級入學申請 中二至中五級入學申請 國際文憑課程入學 ...

  8. The Diocesan Boys' School Primary Division, revived after a lapse of more than 30 years by the enthusiastic DBS School Council to a full-fledged direct subsidy, through-train establishment housed in a newly designed, purpose-built and sophisticatedly appointed complex within the DBS compound, aims to serve boys aged 5 years 9 months to 12 years ...

  9. Toggle sub-menu About School Vision School Mission Introduction Facilities Houses School Badge School Hymn Recruitment Site Map Contact Us DBS SD Administration School Committee Working Committees Staff Development Plans & Reports Departments

  10. 拔萃男書院(Diocesan Boys' School) 是位於 九龍城區 的一間直資中學,學校面積約 50000平方米,屬於 男校,該校辦學宗旨是"以基督教義提供開放、全人教育。. (https://www.dbs.edu.hk/index.php?s=profile&m=schoolmission)". 拔萃男書院 校方樂於支持學生參與不同類型的活動 ...

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