雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 信用卡付款Payment made by Credit Card (1)已簽署的「信用卡付款授權書」正本 The original copy of the duly signed “Credit Card Authorization Form”; (2) 此批改申請書This Endorsement Application Form. (2) 其他付款方式Other Payment Methods (1) 保險費

  2. 保障計劃之條款及細則,概以中銀集團保險的保單上所載為准。. 受保人須受中銀集團保險不時修改之服務細則及保單條款約束。. 只須以中銀Visa Infinite理財卡支付交通、住宿、旅遊套票、及/或未使用但不獲退回的預繳費用註1,便可享高達780萬港元的旅遊保險;於 ...

  3. 為避免任何法律後果,保單持有人需於繳交保費時向保險公司繳付該筆保費的訂明徵費,並由保險公司將該已繳付的徵費轉付予保監局。 徵費金額會因應徵費率調整而有所變更。 有關詳情,請瀏覽保監局的網頁www.ia.org.hk。 繳付保費方法及授權書.

  4. Change the Policy effective date of Travel Insurance Policy: 請遵從以下步驟Please follow these steps: 請重新投保新的保單,並於申請時註明您新的保單生效日期。. Please first apply for a new policy and indicate your new policy effective date. 在下方填寫新的保單號碼。. Fill in the policy number of your ...

  5. 如果您想為您和您的家人購買旅遊保險,您可以選擇中銀集團保險有限公司的「環宇遨翔旅遊保障計劃」,這是一款涵蓋多項保障的旅遊保險產品,包括人身意外、醫療費用、行李遺失、旅程取消等。您可以通過網上投保,方便快捷,並享有中銀信用卡的優惠折扣。請即點擊了解更多詳情。

  6. (1) 處理及審批本人的保險申請或本人將來提交的保險申請 processing and evaluating my insurance application and any future insurance application I may make ; (2) 執行本人保單的行政工作及提供與本人保單相關的服務 administering my insurance policy and providing services in relation to my insurance policy;

  7. If you have any doubt on what should be disclosed in this Proposal Form, please contact Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited (named below as “BOCG Insurance”) Hotline (852) 3187 5100 for the interests of the Insured Person. Failure to disclose may mean that the policy will not provide the Insured Person with the coverage required ...