雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港氣候. 圖內的數字是基於 1991 - 2020 三十年間該月份天文台錄得的最高/最低氣溫及月雨量計算的。 選擇月份: 1月. 2月. 3月.

  2. "9-day Weather Forecast" provides general indications of the trends in weather for the coming 9 days. For detailed description of today's weather forecast, please refer to "Local Weather Forecast". The Probability of Significant Rain (PSR) forecast provides users

  3. The Hong Kong Observatory is a government department responsible for monitoring and forecasting weather, as well as issuing warnings on weather-related hazards. The Observatory also monitors and assesses radiation levels in Hong Kong, and provides other meteorological and geophysical services to meet the needs of the public and the shipping ...

  4. Hong Kong Observatory-Official Authority For Hong Kong Weather Forecast 香港天文台-香港的官方天氣預報部門 (Chinese version only) Only Chinese version is available for this page ...

  5. 香港天文台提供的本港地區今日及明日天氣預報 (以上預測有效期至{{FLW_WxForecastValid_word}}({{ValidTimeInfoEndDate|formatDate}}){{ValidTimeInfoEndDate|formatTime}}; 定期更新時間:約每小時45分,16時15分及23時15分)

  6. The weather charts are presented to give the public quick access to the information. Only minimal quality control has been applied. For weather charts (isobar/observations) with satellite image, please visit the "Met on Map" website.

  7. 基於一個多模式集成預報系統,提供香港及珠江三角洲區域不同地點天氣預報。.

  8. 地面及高空天氣圖:. 京士柏氣象站探空資料:. 數值預報天氣圖:. 地面及高空天氣圖. • 香港天文台. • 韓國氣象廳. • 東亞地區 (SYNOP)地面觀測數據. • 東亞地區高空引導氣流圖. • 香港探空數據(Tephigram).

  9. 香港九天天氣預報. 天氣概況: 預測: 最高溫度 最低溫度. 預測: 最高相對濕度 最低相對濕度. 香港及珠江三角洲區域自動分區天氣預報. 註: 這中間50%範圍(即由第25百分位數至第75百分位數之間範圍)是基於 1991 - 2020 三十年間以當日為中位的五日最高/最低氣溫及相對濕度數據計算的。 「九天天氣預報」主要是提供未來九天天氣情況的大致趨勢,有關本港當天的詳細天氣預測,請參閱「 本港天氣預報 」。 「顯著降雨概率」預報為用户提供雨量及未來九天降雨趨勢方面的額外參考。 每日的顯著降雨概率預報表示當日香港廣泛地區累積雨量達到10毫米(即約雨季期間的日降雨量平均值)或以上的機會率。 概率分5個等級: 預測準確度一般隨預報時效增加而遞減,誤差則隨預報時效增加而增大。

  10. All weather information of Hong Kong contained in this site is given by the Hong Kong Observatory. Permission has been granted by the Observatory for the reproduction of weather information in this site.

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