雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Study at Australia's leading universities & colleges. Browse more than 400 education providers. IDP Australia, global leaders in connecting international students to study success. Book an appointment today to explore study and visa options.

  2. Australia is not just a safe and, affordable study destination with a highly regarded education system. Find out more about what makes the country one of the most popular study destinations in the world.

  3. 為何選擇IDP教育? 我們擁有多年經驗,對申請過程及要求有透徹了解,將為你作專業指導。 IDP學生心得分享影片. Classroom life. Joie, Australia. Wow moments. Aiysa, UK. Study Life. Mohit Bhargava, Australia. IDP IELTS電腦模式考試. 考場概覽. IDP IELTS電腦模式考試. 考生分享. IDP IELTS電腦模式考試. 考生分享. 更多影片. Ask IDP. IDP升學顧問及院校/機構能在30秒內解答你的升學疑難. Answered by. Queensland University of Technology. Answered by.

  4. Find the perfect course to study on our website. IDP's friendly and free service helps international students gain entry into Australian schools and universities.

  5. With our expertise and experience, IDP Education can provide valuable guidance and support to international students to ensure a smooth transition to studying and living in Australia. From Visa assistance, international student study options as well advice on courses that lead to in demand occupation areas, book in for a free appointment with ...

  6. IDP國際教育中心 - 澳紐英美加愛留遊學專業代辦 | IDP Taiwan. 讓打工度假更好玩! 學英文還能拿咖啡師執照? 精選英加澳熱門打工渡假語言學校,咖啡師、商務、行銷證照等豐富課程選擇! 了解更多. IDP Study World 國際留學展|展後面談開跑! 把握與澳洲、英國校代見面的最後機會,獲得更多留學申請資源! 立即報名. 搜尋課程. 你的理想課程在澳洲、加拿大、紐西蘭、愛爾蘭、英國或是美國,等待你的發掘。 立即預約諮詢. 有留遊學相關問題想問?立即與IDP專業顧問預約免費諮詢時間. 選擇IDP的10大理由. 透過IDP專業親切的協助,同學們可輕鬆、放心實現自己留遊學的夢想. IDP 學生留學心得 & 合作名校專訪. 澳洲昆士蘭大學 - Frank. 國際商務及資訊系統 碩士

  7. IDP Education Limited is an international education organisation offering student placement in Australia, New Zealand, United States, United Kingdom, Ireland and Canada. IDP has more than 190 offices in 35 countries and 2,200 counsellors. IDP Australia partners with University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations and the British Council for IELTS tests.

  8. See some of the highlights from our history: 1969 - IDP established as Australian Asian Universities Cooperation Scheme (AAUCS) to deliver development assistance to universities in South-East Asia. 1981 - AAUCS changed its name to the International Development Program (IDP). IDP office opened in Jakarta, Indonesia.

  9. IDP教育為國際學生服務的全球領導專門協助國際學生到英語國家升學。 我們有超過50年經驗,業務遍佈 35 個國家。 我們的廣泛網絡覆蓋多位專家,他們樂於協助你尋找及預留院校學位,令你可大展光芒。

  10. www.linkedin.com › company › idp-education-pty-ltdIDP Education Ltd | LinkedIn

    2024年1月19日 · IDP Education Ltd | LinkedIn. Education Administration Programs. Docklands, Victoria 295,407 followers. View all 8,299 employees. About us. We are making global success personal! As the global...