雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Medical Council of Hong Kong (the Council) is established under the Medical Registration Ordinance, Cap. 161, Laws of Hong Kong to handle registration and disciplinary regulation of medical practitioners in Hong Kong.

  2. Registered Medical Practitioners on the General Register and the Specialist Register. Doctors Directories approved by the Medical Council.

  3. 香港醫務委員會(下稱醫務委員會)根據香港法例第161章《 醫生註冊條例 》成立,獲賦予權力處理本港執業醫生的註冊和紀律規管事宜。 組成. 經修訂的《醫生註冊條例》第3 (2)條已於2018年4月6日生效,當中訂明醫務委員會須由 24 名醫生和 8 名業外委員組成。 成員組合如下: (a) 由下列各方分別提名 2 名註冊醫生: 香港大學; 香港中文大學; 香港醫學專科學院; (b) 署長或其代表,作為當然委員; (c) 醫院管理局行政總裁或其代表,作為當然委員; (d) 由香港醫學會提名和選出 7 名為該會會員的註冊醫生; (e) 由全體註冊醫生選出通常居於香港的 7 名註冊醫生; (f) 由香港醫學專科學院提名和選出 2 名為該院院士的註冊醫生; (g) 由行政長官委任 4 名業外委員;

  4. About Us. Welcoming Message. Medical Registration Ordinance. Organization Chart. Functions and Members.

  5. What's New. Election of Lay Members of the Medical Council of Hong Kong - Electoral Register published. Newsletter Issue No.31 of The Medical Council of Hong Kong (March 2024) Addition of New Specialty in the Specialist Register. Result of the Election of the Chairman of the Medical Council of Hong Kong (February 2024)

  6. Registration Requirements. Full Registration (Part I of the General Register) According to sections 8 and 14 of the Medical Registration Ordinance, a person may apply for full registration as a registered medical practitioner in Hong Kong if he / she:- (a)

  7. Registration of Medical Practitioners. Registration Requirements. Licences of Registration and Practising Certificates. Application Forms and Guidance Notes.

  8. Code of Professional Conduct (revised in October 2022) English version. Chinese version. Article on revision of the Code of Professional Conduct (revised in January 2016) in the Newsletter Issue No.29 - September 2022.

  9. General Information. All medical graduates who wish to register as medical practitioners with the Medical Council of Hong Kong (the Council), with the exception of graduates of the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, are required to pass the Council’s Licensing Examination and successfully complete a period of ...

  10. Any person wishing to practise medicine, surgery or midwifery in Hong Kong is required to apply for registration with the Medical Council in accordance with the provisions of the Medical Registration Ordinance. There are various types of registration under the General Register, which include:-.

  11. Licensing Examination. The detailed information of the Licensing Examination is now uploaded in the newly established Licensing Examination Information Portal of the Medical Council of Hong Kong ( https://leip.mchk.org.hk )。.

  12. Practising Certificates. Section 20A of the Medical Registration Ordinance stipulates that a registered medical practitioner “ shall not practise medicine, surgery or midwifery in Hong Kong, or any branch of medicine or surgery in Hong Kong, unless he is the holder of a practising certificate which is then in force ”.

  13. 在普通科醫生名單和專科醫生名單的醫生. 醫務委員會批准出版的醫生名錄. 香港醫務委員會, 註冊醫生名單.

  14. Registration Requirements. Special Registration (Part V of the General Register) According to section 14C (3) of the Medical Registration Ordinance, a person may apply for special registration if: (a) the person is a specified person; (b)

  15. 2022年4月29日 · The Medical Council of Hong Kong - List of “Recognized Medical Qualifications”. Home > Registration of Medical Practitioners > Registration Requirements > Special Registration (Part V of the General Register) > List of recognized medical qualifications.

  16. Contact Us. Secretariat of the Medical Council of Hong Kong. For matters relating to complaints, you may contact us via the following means: Central Registration Office. Office Hours.

  17. List of Registered Medical Practitioners. Doctors Directories approved by the Medical Council.

  18. Complaints and Disciplinary Inquiries. Complaints Against Doctors. Disciplinary Inquiries.

  19. 本機構服務多元化和專業化,服務對象涉及不同層面,包括老、中、青及幼,服務範圍由灣仔區擴展至全港島區,甚至其他區域,以實踐基督使命和關懷弱勢社群為使命。. ,methodistcentre.

  20. 北野事務所では、10月7日からの受付時間を以下のとおり変更します。. 【変更前】平日8時30分~17時00分. 【変更後】平日9時00分~16時00分. 受付時間の変更に関する内容は、以下のURLをご覧ください。. https://www.city.hachioji.tokyo.jp/shisetsu/002/p034016.html (外部 ...

  21. translate.google.com.hkGoogle 翻譯

    Google 提供的服務無須支付費用,可讓您即時翻譯英文和超過 100 種其他語言的文字、詞組和網頁。.

  22. 所在地. 東京都八王子市北野町538-12. 交通. 京王線 / 北野駅 徒歩5分. 京王線 / 長沼駅 徒歩17分. 地図を見る. 浸水リスクを見る. 建物周辺の施設充実度 64/100. 無料査定依頼 (所有者の方のみ).

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