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      • Both phrases are correct, but they have slightly different meanings. The phrase 'please find the attached documents for your further action' implies that there are multiple documents attached, while the phrase 'please find the attached document for your further action' implies that there is only one document attached.
  1. 此外,Please find attached…的寫法是一個祈使句(imperative),這個句子說到底的功能只是傳達「I have attached a document for you.」而已,並不是一個真正的請求(request),加了Please find…,多了「請查收…」的意思,反而顯得累贅(redundant)。 那麼,「請看附件」這句話該怎麼寫會比較符合現代商業溝通的原則呢? 以下列出幾個母語人士常用的寫法給大家參考: I’ve attached the quote. 隨信附上報價單 Please have a look at the attached quote.

  2. 2024年2月16日 · Both phrases are correct, but they have slightly different meanings. The phrase 'please find the attached documents for your further action' implies that there are multiple documents attached, while the phrase 'please find the attached document for your further action' implies that there is only one document attached.

  3. Google 翻译 文本翻译 是一款可以让你在简体中文和其他 100 多种语言之间即时翻译字词、短语和网页的免费服务。你可以输入或拍摄文本,或者直接说话,Google 翻译 文本翻译 会自动识别并翻译成你选择的语言。你还可以使用 Google 的其他服务,如地图、搜索、安全等,来获取更多信息和功能。

  4. 2024年5月23日 · 【商業電郵|職場英語】在職場上,撰寫 電子 郵件(Email)是打工仔的必備技能之一。 一封簡潔清晰的電郵不但可以提升工作效率,亦能展現你的專業形象。 如果想請收件人查看附件時,打工仔又可以如何用英文表達呢? 「Please find attached」是否已經過時? 想叫對方查看電郵附件可以怎樣表達? CTgoodjobs今次教你12句實用電郵句子。 按下圖即睇12句實用電郵句子: +8. 12句實用電郵句子. 1/ You may refer to the attached document for details. 你可以參閱附件以了解更多詳情。 2/ Kindly refer to the attached document. 請查閱附件。

  5. 2023年10月16日 · 商業英語電郵教學︰「For your…」句式範例. 1/ For your reference 補充參考. 例句︰Kindly find the attached photos and link for your reference.(隨附相片及連結供你參考。 2/ For your information 供你參考. 例句︰For your information, the deadline for the project has been extended by three days. (供你參考,這個項目的截止日期延長了3天。 3/ For your handling 供你進一步處理.

  6. 」 refer to 意指「參考」。也可以說 ” Please see the attached file for your reference. ” 這邊的 for your reference 就是「給您參考」的意思,現代講究精簡的電子郵件也常會縮寫成為 FYR。 補充一下許多商業書信的範例當中,你可能會看到 ” Please find the

  7. 2020年2月22日 · 1. As per our previous conversation 就先前我們的談話. 這個用法二十幾年很流行,很多每封 Email 的開頭都是「as per」,但時下商業溝通講求精簡,這樣說顯得老套,而且 previous 很多餘,直接用 As we discussed / As discussed 就好。 As per your request ... => As you requested. As per our agreement ... => As we agreed. As per your instructions ... => As you instructed. 2. Attached please find… 附件是…