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  3. 2016年3月25日 · 5 Brilliant Japanese Necklace Designs. thewonder500.com. The Wonder 500™ has compiled some of the most beautiful and unique statement pieces to add to any jewelry collection and to wear for any occasion. These necklaces also make great gifts—something worth keeping in mind when it's time to buy something for that special someone! 5. Sphere Necklace

  4. 2022年5月9日 · Though magnificent even from afar, the sacred mountain begs a closer look. Admire it from a new point of view while exploring Shizuoka and Yamanashi—the prefectures that share its slopes—and nearby Kanagawa, and get in touch with local culture, cuisine and communities along the way.

  5. 2017年10月16日 · Check out these seven fantastic options for Lord of the Rings origami. We hope you've got One Ring to fold them all!

  6. 淺蟲溫泉被喻為青森最清幽的溫泉街,有渡假風格的飯店與古老優美的溫泉街, 淺蟲溫泉的名稱為 「麻蒸」 而來, 由平安時代的慈覺大師圓仁發現,但當時並非用來入浴,而是蒸熱麻織布來熱敷,故得「麻蒸」之名, 直到1190年,圓光大師來到此地,發現了有受傷的鹿利用溫泉療傷, 之後,人們便開始使用這個溫泉,因此稱作「麻蒸溫泉」, 而「麻蒸」兩字到後來就轉化成「淺蟲」, 所以這兒就成為了知名的「淺蟲溫泉」啦~ 但這裡跟蟲可是一點關係都沒有的唷... 淺蟲溫泉鄉有11間溫泉旅館, 為了讓來此的旅客可在各旅館內盡情享受泡湯樂趣, 推出了「麻蒸湯札」,就是類似乳頭溫泉鄉也有的泡湯券, 1500 日元可選擇3間、1000日元可選擇2間泡湯, 不論是一日遊或在這住一晚的旅客來說,這個湯札都相當划算。

  7. 2017年4月14日 · Their shapes, full of personality, are used for decorations on jewelry such as rings, bracelets and earrings, fascinating people with an elegant luster and a feeing that deepens over time.

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