雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 爲切實做好2019冠狀病毒病出院或轉陰患者的全面康復工作,制定本方案,供臨床參考應用。 部分患者雖然符合解除隔離及出院標準,已無傳染性,可以回歸家庭及社會,但仍有胸悶氣短、乏力、納差、情緒異常、出汗、失眠等臨床表現,部分重症患者出院後亦存在不同程度的肺功能受損、間質性肺炎改變,甚至有肺纖維化的可能。 此類人員不排除再次感染的風險,故而「瘥後防復」極爲關鍵。 中醫自古有「未病先防、既病防變、愈後防復」的治未病思想和診療手段,給予恰當的綜合康復指導,可以促進疾病康復、提高生活質量、截斷復發源頭。 臨床醫師可參考本指導建議,根據患者個體情况給予相關治療或康復指導。 1 推薦中藥. 1.1 肺脾氣虛證. 臨床表現:氣短,倦怠乏力,納差嘔惡,痞滿,大便乏力,便溏不爽。 舌淡胖,苔白膩。

  2. COVID-19 Thematic Website - Together, We Fight the Virus - Home. Government lowers response level in relation to COVID-19 epidemic to Alert level. For details, please refer to the relevant press release . COVID-19 Vaccination Programme.

  3. $120 billion relief package in the 2020-21 Budget Press Release: FS unveils $120 billion spending plan to support enterprises, safeguard jobs, stimulate the economy and relieve people's burden (26 February 2020) The 2020-21 Budget (26 February 2020)

  4. Sixth Round of $27 billion Anti-epidemic Fund Measures. Press Release: Government seeks Legislative Council's approval to inject $27 billion into Anti-epidemic Fund (14 February 2022) Funding application was approved by the Legislative Council Finance Committee on 15 February 2022 ( Finance Committee Discussion Paper FCR (2021-22)82)

  5. First round of $30 billion Anti-epidemic Fund. Funding approval for the $30 billion Anti-epidemic Fund was given by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council on 21 February 2020 ( Finance Committee paper FCR (2019-20)46 )

  6. Our objectives are: first, to help businesses stay afloat; second, to keep workers in employment; third, to relieve financial burdens of individuals and businesses; and fourth, to assist the economy to recover once the epidemic is contained.

  7. Government lowers response level in relation to COVID-19 epidemic to Alert level. For details, please refer to the relevant press release . COVID-19 Vaccination Programme. Points to Note for Persons who Tested Positive. Arrangements for Inbound Persons.

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