雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 密碼是針對網絡犯罪分子的第一道防線。. 為了加強保護您的賬戶,請建立一個高強度的密碼並定期更新。. 對保險方案有任何的疑問?. MyCigna是個方便顧客的網上平台,讓您輕鬆地索償,也可以順便諮詢客服一切有關保單的問題!. 現在就登入MyCigna!.

  2. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has ...

  3. Have questions on your insurance policies? MyCigna is an online customer portal for you to process claims as well as to make enquiries. For your convenience, login to MyCigna now for further assistance! Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and ...

  4. 註冊. 請輸入您的身份證明文件號碼。. 請輸入所有字元包括括號內的數字。. 如您的香港身份證號碼為A123456 (7) ,請輸入為A1234567。. 如您是信諾團體僱員保障計劃成員登記之配偶或家屬,請輸入完整的會員編號以作登記。. 如您的會員編號為90000-0000-01,請輸入 ...

  5. 我的家庭成員可以如何 查閱他們的索償訊息(如適用)? 答: 如受保家庭成員已年滿18歲,並已提供香港身份證號碼予信諾環球,他們可以註冊My Cigna帳戶以閱覽索償訊息。如受保家庭成員未滿18歲,他們可以透過您的帳戶閱覽索償訊息 ...

  6. App Online Notification. Android - Scan and download MyCigna HK through Google Play. PlayStore: IOS - Scan and download MyCigna HK through App Store. AppStore: MyCigna App is just upgraded! Download it for a better experience and complete the registration on your mobile. Return to Login Page.

  7. For group policy customers, your clients may contact Cigna’s Customer Service Hotline at 2539-9215 within office hours, or they can correct the record via their company’s Human Resources Department, who may follow up with Cigna Healthcare and update the ...