雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. We firmly believe that when students are actively engaged in their education and have the freedom to explore, they become more motivated, confident, and successful in their academic pursuits and personal growth. We also understand that education extends beyond the acquisition of knowledge; it encompasses the nurturing of students’ values.

  2. 學校動向. We will be collaborative in all respects to provide a positive, stimulating, supportive, aesthetic and harmonious learning environment. We are committed to educating students in the areas of intellectual, physical, social, moral, aesthetic and emotional development.

  3. 新界元朗豐年路20號. 電話:. 2478 7348. 傳真:. 2473 0076. 電郵:. info@ylmass.edu.hk. 元朗商會中學Yuen Long Merchants Association Secondary School 地址: 新界元朗豐年路20號 電話: 2478 7348 傳真: 2473 0076.

  4. 2023年11月7日 · 日期: 11/07/2023. 辯論學會每年籌辧社際辯論比賽,旨在希望同學透過辯論方式反思社會議題,擴閱視野及知識領域,提高思辯能力。 本年度六社同學經過六輪初賽及兩輪名次賽後,決賽於7月11日舉行,由正方誠社對反方中社,議題為「ChatGPT對提升學習效率利大於弊」,其中自由辯論環節,正反雙方各自發揚團隊精神,詞鋒銳利,最後由反方中社勝出。 評判團由丘校長、宋副校及周老師組成,並在賽後向參賽同學提供寶貴意見,提升同學對議題的分析能力及語言表達技巧。 中四同學透過觀賞賽事及完成學習冊認識不同的辯論技巧,並參與現場投票環節,投選心儀得勝對伍。 期待來年有更多同學嘗試參與辯論比賽,學習清晰表達觀點及裝備放眼世界、關懷社群的商中人素質。 返回.

  5. 學校概覽 辦學宗旨 學校歷史 校歌 法團校董會 學校架構 校長的話 周年計劃及報告 校園設施 學與教 教師團隊 班級結構及 ...

  6. 最新消息. We will be collaborative in all respects to provide a positive, stimulating, supportive, aesthetic and harmonious learning environment. We are committed to educating students in the areas of intellectual, physical, social, moral, aesthetic and emotional development.

  7. Principal's Message. Unleashing Potential, Inspiring Achievement: Fostering Excellence and Collaboration in YLMASS. Our school’s unwavering dedication lies in cultivating a legacy of accomplishment. We, therefore, remain fully committed to providing an environment where students can unleash their full potential and thrive as active learners.