雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Lute Pipa and zither guzheng music. Chinese lute - Pipa. The pipa is a four stringed lute with a pear-shaped body. Its short, bent neck has 30 frets which extend onto the soundboard, offering a wide range. This instrument appears in texts dating up to the second century B.C.

  2. The pipa (pronounced "pee-paa") is a four-stringed lute, one of the oldest Chinese musical instruments with over 2000 years of history. The term pipa () consists of two Chinese characters symboliz ing two playing techniques (known as "Tan" and "Tiao" today) while their pronunciations p'i and p'a are imitations of the sounds produced accordingly.

  3. Chinese Traditional Guzheng Music. performed by Liu Fang on guzheng solo. [01] Lotus emerging on the surface of water. [02] Three variations of plum blossom. [03] A red point. [04] High mountain and flowing water. [05] Seagulls playing in water. [06] The autumn moon in the palace of a Han emperor. [07] Freedom flowers.

  4. 音樂是有靈性的,需要開啟靈性的心巧,不是用練肌肉的勁道去練。這些很難用語言說清楚,慢慢地用心體會吧。總之,好音樂是有靈性的,聽起來讓人覺得心里很滋潤,很慰藉﹔不好的音樂會把人聽得心煩意亂。這些都不是單從技巧上就能解決的。

  5. Liu Fang is an internationally acclaimed virtuoso for pipa and guzheng. Born in 1974 in Kunming in the province of Yunnan, China, she began playing the pipa at the age of 6, and by 11, she performed before Queen Elizabeth II. Her studies at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music broadened her musical range to include the study of the guzheng.

  6. Liu Fang transmits in an expressive and erudite way the beauty and grace of Chinese traditional classical music, while drawing out the subtle sonorities of the pipa and the guzheng. Through the power and sensitivity of her playing, she gives renewed interpretations of the ancient repertory, of the poetic as well as the martial styles.

  7. 隨著漢代相和歌的興起,古箏藝朮進入了一個全新的時代,并逐步發展為六七種絲竹樂器耕相迭奏,歌手擊節唱和的形式。 十三弦箏在唐代得到了充分發展。 古箏藝朮的歷史變遷: 箏的歷史沿革- 箏的種類 - 古箏流派- 箏的構造 | 春江花月夜. 《旅加華裔琵琶、古箏演奏家:劉芳訪談錄》 | 交流園地. 劉芳音樂會現場播放,比利時國家廣播電台 (RTBF La Première) 視頻:俄國電視台報導劉芳聖彼得堡琵琶古箏音樂會盛況. 古箏音樂. 劉芳演奏的古箏曲節選. 鐵馬吟 趙登山曲,劉芳 于二000年五月演奏,加拿大國家廣播電台現場錄音 (producer: Lorraine Chalifoux). [全曲下載點擊 這里]