雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Kiddie Sky Savings Account. To cultivate the savings habit for your children, start from now! The colourful design of the Kiddie Sky passbook can arouse your children's interest in savings. Applicable for children who are below the age of 11. Terms and Conditions: The above product, services and offers are subject to the relevant terms.

  2. 孩子培養良好儲蓄習慣,由今天做起! 「孩子天」儲蓄賬戶備有設計精美、色彩繽紛專用存摺簿,增加小朋友對儲蓄興趣 開戶只需港幣500元,並不設最低結餘限制 適用於11歲或以下兒童

  3. 陪伴您的子女成長 為人父母,總是在子女的成長路上,陪伴他們經歷不少第一次。是時候開始教育子女儲蓄,以及自主運用自己賬戶,陪伴他們經歷第一次自主理財。子女只需年滿11歲,即可選用「自在理財」服務,讓您的子女擁有屬於自己賬戶及提款卡,從小培育儲蓄習慣,學習管理開支 ...

  4. 适用于11岁以下儿童. 条款及细则:. 上述产品、服务与优惠受有关条款约束,详情请参阅相关宣传品或向本行职员查询。. 本行保留随时修订、暂停及取消上述产品、服务与优惠以及修订有关条款酌情权而毋须事先通知。. 如有任何争议,本行保留最终决定权 ...

  5. Custody and Trust Services BOCHK is one of the major banking groups in Hong Kong. Our full range of global custody service solutions will help you maximize the return on your capital in a fast changing market. Our services include:

  6. BOCHK is one of the largest banks in Hong Kong with comprehensive RMB cross-border products and services. We are a China market custody expertise with full range of global custody services across the globe covering over 70 markets. Our wide range of assets servicing solutions will help you create a better efficiency in managing your securities ...

  7. BOC Corporate Banking Services Online "BOC CBS Online" has been equipped with simplified interface and various new functions. What's more, applying BOC CBS Online is free of charge and it enables you to manage various financial transactions flexibly and to enquire the account status online anytime, anywhere, much simpler and more convenient.