雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1. 物業管理處發出的事故報告 Incident Report issued by the Estate Management Office 2. 警方報告 Police report 3. 證人向警方錄取的口供紙副本 Copy of statement made to the Police by the witness 4. 有關文件證明損失,如照片、財物購買單據正本、保用

  2. Claim procedure: 1) 請填妥及簽署此索償表格;2 )提供證明文件;3 )於7天內郵寄至:香港德輔道中 71 號永安集團大廈八樓. 1) Complete and sign this form; 2) relevant supporting document; 3) Mail to 8/F., Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong within 7 days. 各部份之「索償文件」只是概括 ...

  3. 投保人請以英文正楷填寫及在適當方格內加「 」號。任何答案如有更改,敬請在旁簽署。The proposed Insured has to complete the form in English BLOCK LETTERS and please put a“ ”in the box as appropriate. Any changes to be made should be signed by

  4. 批改申請書. 請列印下述申請表格,填妥並核對有關資料後,將申請表格寄回 香港中環德輔道中71號永安集團大廈九字樓 本公司收。. 批改申請書. 周全家居綜合險批改申請書. 意外險批改申請書. 個人醫療保險批改申請書. 僱員補償險批改申請書.

  5. 通訊地址: 香港中環德輔道中71 號永安集團大廈8樓Correspondence Address: 8/F., Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong. 客戶服務熱線Customer Services Hotline Tel : 3187 5100傳真 Fax : 3906 9948電郵 Email: osc_policy@bocgroup.com. (為方便電腦處理,請以英文正楷填寫及於適當方格內加 ...

  6. www5.bocgins.com › FileStatic › bocgiWeb車險批改申請書

    通訊地址: 香港中環德輔道中71 號永安集團大廈8樓 Correspondence Address: 8/F., Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong. 客戶服務熱缐 Customer Service Hotline: 3187 5100傳真 Fax : 3906 9948電郵 Email: osc_policy@bocgroup.com.

  7. 衹適用於發放HK$10,000.00或以下的賠款(For settlement amount below HK$10,000.00 only) 請在適當的方格內填上“ ”Please tick the appropriate box: 本人不同意以自動轉賬方式接受賠款。. I do not agree that the claim payment be made by auto-pay. 本人同意以自動轉賬方式發放賠款,並提供以下資料 ...