雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.kingparrot.com › Publish › menuKing Parrot Group

    King Parrot Group

  2. www.kingparrot.com › Publish › menuKing Parrot

    King Parrot

  3. 使命. 景樂集團十多年來一直身體力行,專注發展成為香港主題餐廳的領袖。 時至今日,景樂集團透過不斷推陳出新,引入嶄新的餐飲理念和超卓的服務水平,為股東利益和集團的持續發展,奠下鞏固基石。 我們相信要維持集團的恆久發展,必須本著待客以誠這個宗旨,並以超水準的食物、簡約舒適的環境和殷勤的服務,為顧客帶來賞心悅目,物有所值的餐飲體驗。

  4. Mission and Vision. For more than a decade, King Parrot Group focuses on being the leader in creating and running theme restaurants in Hong Kong. Today, we have stretched stakeholders' value beyond innovative products and services, and into building a sustainable future for the business.

  5. How to Join. Check Point & Expiry Date. Membership. Be a King Parrot Royal Card member and enjoy our attractive offers for HK$1,060! KPG's Exclusive Dining Voucher Offer.

  6. As the new year commences, the King Parrot Group is delighted to present our exclusive dining voucher offer for 2024, bringing you greater gastronomic enjoyment across our collection of restaurants!

  7. 唐. 「唐」座落於元朗唐人新村,佔地5000呎。. 「唐」的設計意念源自歐美漁人碼頭,讓客人以不同方式體驗傳統的漁港,以供應最新鮮食材為本。. 重點推介海鮮市場內的海產是採用來自世界各地最時令的種類,每日新觧空運到港;此外還有多款上乘肉類供客人 ...

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