雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. special.hkjc.com › promo › chAwards & Honours

    社會承擔獲嘉 Season 2009/10 was a landmark in the history of the Club because it was the year when its 26,000-strong team celebrated with Hong Kong people the fruits of their 125-year-old partnership and the Club’s commitment to excellence. It was also a

  2. special.hkjc.com › football › infoFB CHI 1 Definitions

    「投注地點」指由營辦者不時認許的任何投注地點。 「博彩規例」指馬會的博彩規則。 「投注終端機」具有《博彩規例》所賦予的涵義。

  3. special.hkjc.com › promo › chspecial.hkjc.com

    自從阿根廷球星泰維斯與曼城領隊文仙尼爆發不和後,一直處於被雪藏狀態... 自從阿根廷球星泰維斯與曼城領隊文仙尼爆發 ...