雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2013年5月27日 · So I'm really confused on how fast my boyfriend is moving... We met at school and hung out and talked together for all of 1 week before he asked me to be his girlfriend. That night he kinda stayed in my room, as in slept over, without really asking first... but trains had stopped running so i couldn't really kick him out..

  2. 2015年4月8日 · I'm a 23 year old gay man who is planning to move to the Yokohama area. I spent a year in Japan as an international student, so I already know about stigmas and issues surrounding homosexuality in Japan. In my home country (UK) I'm openly gay and have been for the past 5 years. My boyfriend is Japanese, 25, and studying to become a doctor.

  3. 2017年2月13日 · sasou (誘う) is, as Kanji is written, to lure someone to something. shotaisuru (招待する) is to formally request, invite, etc. someone to come to attend something. maneku (招く) is to request, to invite, etc. someone for something. by ay (guest) rate this post as useful.

  4. 2015年5月21日 · The principal researcher or higher position is equivalent to Kyouju position in RIKEN structure, so it depends on the man's position. But there are many Kyouju staffs who have non Ph.D. degree, so it depends the man is an academic staff or technical staff you should call him.

  5. 2018年6月27日 · well, i think it is quite easy to anticipate how locals will recept you with tattoos. think of an foreigner, who has a tattoo written in your local language or painting style. * if the art is well made, noone will say or think something special. * if it is really well done, some might admire its beauty.

  6. 2009年10月9日 · Roppongi is supposed to be a good city for foreigners, but really there are only weird men trying to get us into ''shisha bars'' as they say... xD Shinjuku on the other hand is a very lively and fun city at night! The last trains are around midnight (can`T remember

  7. 2007年10月12日 · Kazuo Matsui, the one in Colorado Rockies? His nickname is Kaz, and his full first name is Kazuo. It is written (as professional) 稼頭央, consisting of three kanji, each of which meaning "earn," "head," and "center." But his *real* name (as given by his parents) is