雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HORIZONS 05監管局歡迎香港特別行政區政府委任林 智遠太平紳士及蔡志忠先生於2021年 11月1日起出任監管局新成員。監管局董事 局現有正、副主席各一名及18名普通成員,各成員來自多元化背景,擁有不同的知識、經驗及專業,包括來自地產代理、物業發

  2. Chief Executive Officer. 這是本人以地產代理監管局(「監管局」)行政總裁身份發表的第七份年報。 2019/20年度,地產市場因社會運動和2019冠狀病毒病全球大流行而受到沉重打擊。 在香港人努力適應變幻莫測的局勢的同時,監管局亦一如以往與時並進,致力促進業界遵守法規,提升業界形象。 本人藉此簡述本局於年內各方面的工作。 牌照數目及考試新措施. 地產市道市況不景,令持牌人數持續下跌。 2019/20年度香港的整體物業交易宗數為70,532宗,比上年下跌了6.1% 。 與此同時,截至2020 年3 月31日,個人持牌人數目錄得39,358人,比上年輕微下跌了1.26%。

  3. 主頁 關於監管局 關於監管局 里程碑 抱負及使命 監管局成員 常設委員會 組織架構 機構管治 服務承諾 私隱政策聲明 職位 ...

  4. (30 October 2020) The Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) welcomes the Government’s announcement today of the appointment of Ms Elaine LIU Yuk-ling, JP (photo attached) to succeed Professor William LEUNG Wing-cheung, SBS, JP as the new Chairman of the EAA Board effective from 1 November 2020.

  5. (16 November 2021) The Board of the Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) held its meeting today and appointed the chairmen of its five standing committees, which oversee different aspects of the EAA’s work respectively. The EAA Board is the highest decision-making authority of the EAA.

  6. (3 August 2022) The Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) welcomes the Government’s announcement today of the appointment of Mr Simon SIU Chak-yu, BBS, JP to succeed Ms Elaine LIU, JP as the new Chairman of the EAA Board effective from 29 July 2022.

  7. Q: As the Chairman of the Authority, what do you expect the Authority to achieve? A: The Authority has established a solid foundation in examination, licensing and regulation over the past six years. We are now placing emphasis on the development as well as the regulation of the trade. We hope to enhance estate agents' professional status ...

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