雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2018年5月12日 · JRock247 sat down with Yuko Suzuhana (vocals), Machiya (guitar) and Ibukuro Kiyoshi (koto) of international sensation Wagakki Band to talk about instrumentation, lyrical influences and how their latest album came to be.

  2. 2018年11月2日 · Re-branding themselves on their website and social media as “Band-Maiko,” the band delivers a new look and style for their previously-released track “Secret My Lips.”. The new version —"Secret Maiko Lips"—features a fusion of rock with traditional Japanese instruments that would even make Wagakki Band proud.

  3. 2018年1月29日 · This quiet, guitar-centered track is the perfect way to summon up the winter spirit at any moment of the year. Fast forward to 0:16 to hear a clip of the hit song from the best of Bump of Chicken album.

  4. 2016年12月17日 · Looking for a new guitar? How about one produced via the same techniques used to build Japanese temples, designed by a Ferrari designer?

  5. 2023年10月2日 · Kobe has been Japan's jazz capital for 100 years, and the scene remains lively with a healthy schedule of performances at bars and clubs, and annual jazz festivals.

  6. 2019年10月24日 · 景點地址:日本栃木縣足利市迫間町607. 交通路線:JR「富田站」下車步行13分鐘;搭乘東武伊勢崎線可於「足利市站」下車換乘直達巴士 (約30分鐘) 官方網站: https://www.ashikaga.co.jp/fujinohana_special2019/ch/ 我們熱愛日本,同樣,我們也希望可以幫大家找到更多熱愛日本的契機和理由! 對新奇有趣事物的探求,對美的嚮往,讓我們關注日本更多。 如果你錯過了日本的樱花季,其實不必感到遺憾,因為春櫻後的紫藤花季,也很有看頭!

  7. 2018年3月23日 · 以能登半島為「龍頭」,日本中部北陸地區的愛知縣,岐阜縣,三重縣,靜岡縣,長野縣,石川縣,富山縣,福井縣,滋賀縣這9縣為「龍身」 ,延伸至熊野古道的「龍尾」,在地圖上形成了飛龍在天的造型。日本人將這條匯集了中部諸多自然資源,人文景觀,歷史風物精華的旅遊區塊形容做「昇龍 ...

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