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  1. 2024年2月20日 · As of April 29, 2023, it is no longer necessary to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or proof of testing negative for the virus when entering Japan.

  2. 2023年11月29日 · 日本橋車站. 近年來日本橋的發展,仍然以江戶時代(1603-1867)就已經是市中心的商業中心形象為主。. 在日本橋附近走一走,將會發現不少從19世紀就開始營業直到現在的老店和高樓大廈並排在一起的景色。. 除此之外,日本橋還是日本銀行和東京證券交易所的 ...

  3. Hillside Terrace設計成繁忙東京裡的沉穩聚落,提供都市生活者一段暫停思考的時間。這裡除了匯集了全球美食的商店、自製麵包與考究熟食店、餐廳及高級精品店外,聚落內枝葉扶疏,也有可以安靜度過的空間。 請關注Hillside Terrace舉辦的特展、音樂會、市集、研討會,以及其他的活動。也許您將找到 ...

  4. Chichijima Island is home to a vast collection of beaches, all offering something a little different. Kominato —the island’s longest beach —is perfect for shallow water paddling. The protected Miyanohama Beach is a snorkeler’s delight, while Hatsuneura Beach is best accessed via a 70-minute hike through the jungle-like forests.

  5. 適合全家出遊的海濱休閒景點 位於正對東京彩虹大橋的人工島上,台場海濱公園是適合全家出遊的休閒景點。 台場起源於江戶時代(1603~1867年),當時為了保衛江戶,於海上建造了要塞島,開啟當地發展的濫觴。人工島在那之後,聚集了富士電視台、電信中心及東京國際展示場等即使在東京也是 ...

  6. 2022年3月22日 · Sea views, picnic facilities, and airplane close-ups. Although it's only half an hour from central Tokyo and even closer to Haneda Airport, the atmosphere of Jonanjima Seaside Park feels like a beachside resort. Situated on the edge of Tokyo Bay, the park features a campground, dog run, barbecue facilities, sandy beach, and a skateboard plaza ...

  7. The district had prospered with the opening of this bridge in the early 17th century. Today, the bridge carries a bronze signpost with the words "Origin of Roads in Japan," and the location is used as a base point to measure distances from Tokyo. For updated information on opening hours, closings, prices, and more, please check the official ...