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  1. 2024年2月20日 · 經濟實惠的車票&交通IC. Updated: February 20, 2024. 使用經濟實惠的車票或交通IC卡,划算且有效率地在都內活動,充分享受在東京的時光吧。 東京擁有電車、地鐵、巴士及單軌電車等眾多大眾運輸。 有其各自的經營業者,價格設定也各有不同。 只要持有由各家鐵路公司發行的一張交通IC卡,即可搭乘主要的大眾運輸工具。 同樣一張IC卡也可至加盟店家和自動販賣機購物。 各公司也提供不同的優惠車票,建議可事先搜尋相關訊息。 交通IC卡. Suica或PASMO等交通IC卡不僅可在東京都內使用,也可在搭乘日本全國各地區的主要鐵路或巴士時使用。 預付儲值型的交通IC卡即使餘額不足也能儲值現金後重複使用。 只需將交通IC卡感應車站的自動驗票機或是巴士的費用箱上的感應器,即可自動扣款。

    • Tokyo One-Day Ticket Tokyo Tour Ticket
    • Toei One-Day Pass
    • Common One-Day Ticket For Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway
    • Tokyo Metro 24-Hour Ticket
    • Tokyo Subway Ticket
    • Tokyo Metropolitan District Pass
    • Toden One-Day Pass / Toden One-Day IC Card Pass
    • Toei Bus One-Day Pass
    • Welcome! Tokyo Subway 24/48/72-Hour Ticket
    • Odakyu Railway Hakone FreePass

    For a period of one day, this ticket can be used on all Tokyo Metro lines, Toei Subway lines, Toei buses, Toei Tokyo Sakura Tram (Toden Arakawa Line), the Nippori-Toneri Liner and JR lines within Tokyo's 23 cities.

    For a period of one day, this pass can be used as many times as you like on the Toei subway, Toei buses, Tokyo Sakura Tram (Toden Arakawa Line) and the Nippori-Toneri Liner.

    For a period of one day, the ticket can be used on all Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway lines. It can be purchased either in advance or on the day of use.

    For 24 hours after the first use, the ticket can be used as many times as you like on all Tokyo Metro lines. It can be purchased either in advance or on the day of use.

    These tickets are valid for 24, 48, or 72 hours from the start of your trip. They can be used on all Toei Subway and Tokyo Metro lines. You can also use a special package called the Tokyo Starter Kit, which includes the Tokyo Subway Ticket, a bus pass, and travel insurance. The Tokyo Starter Kit also includes medical treatment cost compensation, in...

    The pass can be used for unreserved seats on all local trains (including rapid services) within Tokyo's 23 cities.

    For a period of one day,the pass can be used as many times as you like on Tokyo Sakura Tram (Toden Arakawa Line).

    For a period of one day, the pass can be used as many times as you like on Toei buses (excluding the Koto 01 Route) within Tokyo's 23 cities.You can also get the one-day pass working on a PASMO or Suica IC card. Ask the bus driver to get the pass for your IC card (the fare will be deducted from the card's balance).

    The pass combines a round trip ticket between Keikyu Haneda Airport Terminal Stations 1・2 and Sengakuji Station with a ticket for unlimited rides (for 24/48/72 hours) on Toei Subway and Tokyo Metro lines.

    This ticket set includes a round trip between any Odakyu Line station to Odawara Station. It is also valid for free use of the Hakone Tozan train, Hakone Tozan cable car, Hakone Tozan ropeway, Hakone Pirate Ship, Hakone Tozan bus (within a designated area), Hakone Kanko Shisetsu-Meguri sightseeing bus (operated by Hakone Tozan bus), Tokai bus (with...

  2. Most major credit cards such as American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Diners Club, and JCB are accepted at major stores and facilities. When checking in to a hotel, they also serve as identification in lieu of a cash deposit.

  3. 2024年2月20日 · 交通IC. 通知:由於世界性半導體短缺,目前Welcome Suica僅在羽田機場第3航廈站販售。 暫時停售「Suica」、「PASMO」交通卡相關的通知. Welcome Suica. Suica. 在JR車站的售票機可購買 Suica ,購買金額內含500日圓押金,儲值後便能立即使用。 基本上持Suica可搭乘東京及日本全國的鐵路,亦可使用於東京大多數的巴士、部分計程車、自動販賣機、投幣式置物櫃、便利商店及其他商店。 在旅程的最後退還卡片,即可取回押金。 PASMO 可替代Suica,兩者功能非常類似,僅發行公司不同。 羽田機場 與 成田機場 ,以及各加盟車站與地鐵站均有販售PASMO。 購買時需支付 押金 ,可重複儲值使用。

  4. 2024年2月20日 · Plenty of places accept credit cards, but do not expect that everyone will. It's not uncommon for Tokyoites to carry 30,000 to 50,000 yen in their wallets on a day-to-day basis, and before you leave for Japan, it would be a good idea to get around that much yen from your local bank, or more if you're traveling with a big family.

  5. JNTO旅客諮詢熱線 050-3816-2787 (24小時服務) 歡迎來到日本!請您在旅途中注意安全。我們會竭盡全力幫助您。急救/消防 119 警察 110 最新的旅遊訊息和新聞 緊急情況 @JapanSafeTravel (英語/中文) 最新消息 nhk.jp/world (英語)

  6. 東京導覽. 東京鐵塔及附近景點. Updated: October 19, 2022. 象徵著從過去戰爭中復興的都心標誌. 建於1958年高333米的東京鐵塔,是象徵著戰後東京復興的標誌。 完成當時,甚至超越了艾菲爾鐵塔成為了世界第一高。 東京鐵塔的大部分工程需要手工作業,是由約22萬匠人僅用時1年半就完成的建築。 現在也是遊客們的旅遊勝地。 從兩個展望台可以一覽東京市街,地面4層結構的複合設施內還有購物、美食及娛樂項目。 東京鐵塔周邊有幾個著名的寺院或公園,離六本木、汐留、虎之門、品川等值得拜訪的各個場所也都很近。 利用上午或下午的時間,到東京鐵塔冒險一下,或探索周圍的觀光景點吧。 旅遊指南. 參觀東京鐵塔。 這裡不僅是最佳的展望景點,同時也提供有趣的娛樂.

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